Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 15

Week 15

How Far Along: 15 weeks!

Size of Baby: A navel orange or an apple, 4.5 inches and 2-3 oz!

Gender: Technically, could find out now.. but waiting per doctor's instruction for a few more weeks. I was supposed to have an appointment today to schedule it, but the snow prevented that! Everyone thinks boy that I have asked, but I just have no clue. They say a mom knows, well this mom is seriously 50/50.

Fun Fact: Baby can start to suck his/her thumb!

Movement: None yet!

Sleep: Getting better

Workouts: I ran a mile Sunday, walked two. I was so excited I waved Pat down at the gym to tell him and group texted my friends immediately. Hopefully I will be able to do a little more, just keeping mindful of my heart rate. Due to snow days, we have been pretty lazy so I am looking forward to movement!!

Maternity Clothes: None yet, but even my "jeggings" [don't judge] are getting snug around the waist.

Symptoms: Hello second trimester, I love you. None really, other than a little backache but I will take that over the other any day!

Cravings/Aversions: Still not really wanting chicken unless from Chick Fil A with polynesian sauce. But trying to stay away from unhealthy options as best I can!
Missing Most: Civilization due to being snow/iced in. But other than that, I am starting to enjoy pregnancy because the symptoms have taken a back burner.

Nursery: None yet, but getting super close to making decisions on crib and glider!

Hubby: Felt my belly yesterday since baby bump is in full swing, especially in the mornings! He is so excited. He asked me yesterday what baby books he should read!

Best part of the Week: Getting to chill out for 5 days. However, I am dying to get out of the house! Spending time with friends this past weekend was great. I truly love hanging out with them. They are so excited for all things baby, and it makes my heart so happy to know our baby will be so loved!

Can't Wait For: Anatomy scan. Seriously how do people wait so long!?!!

Until next week!

4-11 Weeks / 12 Weeks 13 Weeks / 14 Weeks

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