Monday, December 28, 2015

Hello, It's me....

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Blogging most definitely has taken a back burner to life lately. I have an almost 5 month old. WHAT the WHAT?! I am not sure where the past few months have gone, but time has never been longer, shorter, more full of laughter and tears and anxiety and fun. If you have a child, I am sure you can relate. I decided I am going to be posting (maybe not all at once...) about what I have experienced over the past few months and what I have learned. There is a lot of TMI, so may want to skip if that freaks you out! This post will be full of my experiences, with a dash of sarcastic humor. Some times, you just have to laugh. There is a list of a thousand things you will "never do with your baby" and as soon as they hold that baby in your arms, that list goes flying out the window.

1. Labor
Labor is painful. I know everyone has a different experience. The physical aspect of labor and recovery went really, really well for me. It was quick, and relatively easy (as easy as labor can be, haha!). The mesh panties, pain spray, tucks pads were all a God-send. Hoard that crap. Seriously. Put some in your hospital bag that you oh so meticulously packed (and in my case, didn't use 3/4 of what was in it) and ask for more each nurse shift change. Trust me on this one. We went home with like a full set of all of it. I still have some left over! Take the stool softener. I know, not something you want to hear about, but trust me on that one too. It doesn't have to be as terrifying as everyone makes it out to be. The emotional aspect was hard. The 2-3 weeks after labor are full of haywire hormones. I cried a lot. Some times, without prompting. I will never forget sitting on the couch, in Patrick's arms (I am not a cuddly person.. its just not my love language), literally sobbing because I was so overwhelmed and exhausted and failing my baby in every way. That is okay. Time will pass, and you will balance out to just one good cry a day, and eventually once a week. I kid I kid.

** In all seriousness, these hormones are very real and very much out of your control. Post partum depression is real, and not a joking matter whatsoever, so if you are feeling those feelings...  please seek help. Don't let your mental health be defined by a survey at the drs office.

2. Breastfeeding
If you would have told me in July that  I would be breastfeeding at 4.5 months, I would have laughed in your face. It was something I wanted to attempt, but wasn't going to stress about if it didn't work. Honestly, I wasn't sure how I would do with the whole concept... again not a cuddly person. It kind of weirded me out. Just keeping it real over here. Well, my milk came in the day we got home, and has been overloading me ever since. BF has actually been something that I have "enjoyed." If that's even the right word?!!! Haha! Kudos to ALL mama's that feed their babies in whatever way they choose. This stuff is HARD. Back to BF, the first 3 weeks were MISERABLE. I have never hurt so much and dreaded something that much in my life. I wanted to quit every time it was time for him to  eat. Which if you have had a newborn, it's ROUND the CLOCK! But, I had so much milk that I couldn't bear to stop because it hurt. I knew the hurt would go away, and it did. So, my unsolicited advice, how ever you choose to feed your sweet little one, do it with confidence and peace.

Side note... Warren has silent reflux. So if they are screaming more than you feel like they should be.. try cutting out dairy. I wish my pediatrician had suggested that at 3 weeks instead of acid reflux meds, because at 12 weeks, when I finally cut it out, I had a completely different baby.

3. Trust yourself.
No matter how prepared I thought I was, I wasn't. Like, I WAS NOT! And that is okay. Nothing can prepare you for the emotions, the anxiety, the fear, the overwhelming joy. Your instincts will develop. Don't let any one or anything make you question yourself. You are a great mom, or you are going to be a great mom. Don't feel like you constantly need to justify your choices. Yes, I just said all that to myself, because I need to hear it daily.

4. Schedule
L.O.L. Can I just laugh for a minute?!! I read baby wise before I had him. And I had this schedule all laid out. I stressed myself out so much because he wasn't on a schedule and wouldn't nap more than 30 minutes for 3 months. I cried. A lot. If he did sleep longer than 30 min, it was on my chest. (Which I am not complaining about) If I could go back and change anything, it would be to tell my type A strong willed self to stop the immense worrying about THAT. Breathe. Just let it go. It will click eventually, and it did. Just because your baby isn't doing what some book said he should be doing, does not mean you are a failure. The day I let the idea of a schedule go, life got so much better. We now have a routine, which he rocks at, and he is so so so happy (thanks to no dairy, ha!). This may not apply to anyone but me, but I put so much pressure on myself and I shouldn't have. We just put so much pressure on ourselves to get everything "right," that we forget they are just babies... they will get it eventually.

5. Love
It is okay if you don't feel this immense "so in love, over the moon" love at first. It is okay if you do. But, if you don't, you will. And your baby will. You are new to each other. You have to learn each other. And when you do, oh man. There is no greater feeling in the world. I am given a glimpse of the love that the Father has for us, and my oh my, is it immense.

Lastly, the best piece of advice I was given, and the only unsolicited advice I give to any pregnant friends (unless you ask, then I rattle away hahaha)..... Do what gives you the most peace.   If it's BF or formula, Cry It Out or cuddle, co sleep or crib day one, organic or not, whatever.... just have confidence in YOUR family's choices, and don't let anyone make you feel shame or failure! Don't let anyone fool you, we're all winging it...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Baby Boy is Here!!

Hey there! It's been a quick minute! Life has changed drastically for us in the past 5 weeks. This post may be quite long, but for those curious.. I promise it's a good one! [Disclaimer: Some details may be TMI... but when you have a baby, nothing is off limits anymore.]

Let's start with Thursday, August 6th. That evening my mom jokingly brought over a friends "birthing ball" (I still find that so funny-- it is literally an exercise ball-- she said she went into labor the day after using it). For those that have been pregnant, you try all sorts of silly things. I only tried the ball and walking. Nothing too crazy. I knew he would come when he was ready. I sat on the ball for maybe 10 minutes that night. Nothing. Crickets. Friday August 7th rolls around. I sat on it again for about 10 more minutes. It was weird rolling around on it, but it actually felt good to stretch. I proceeded to take Lila on a 2 mile walk. I was exhausted. Fast forward to around 2 pm. I went to the bathroom, and there was a faint amount of blood. *repeats over and over "this is normal. do not panic."*

So naturally, I do what any sane 9 month pregnant woman would do. I googled it. Yep, normal. But "call doctor if worsens." Um, okay? So I call Morgan, my aunt. She didn't experience it. Okay.... don't panic. I talked with her on the phone for about an hour. I started cramping while on the phone. Man, I did not miss menstrual cramps. They were fairly intense, but I wasn't taken back by them. I decided to get in the shower, because I knew I needed to desperately wash my hair and it may make me feel better. Nope. They were getting worse. So, I call the doctor. Thankfully, my doctor was the on call doctor. He told me I was having contractions, and that if they or the bleeding got worse/5 min apart, come on in.

I did my hair, which was pointless because it was in a pony tail the entire time, but at least it smelled clean. Anyways, I texted Pat and told him: "Hey, I think I may be in labor... but no worries you've got lots of time... I just think it's starting... Do not speed." He immediately responds, "IM 20 AWAY!" Oh, bless his caring heart. The contractions were 100 kinds of AWFUL. I couldn't hardly eat dinner they hurt so bad. They started about 10 min apart, lasting for 20 seconds. At this point, they were about 45 sec long. I went to take a bath. Nope, didn't help. So, we get in bed, and around 11 I just can't take it anymore. I take another bath. As soon as I get in, I realize something isn't right. So I immediately got out. I woke Patrick up, and said we need to go. We get to the hospital at midnight. Apparently, my doctor had stopped by on rounds and told them to be expecting me. I love him.

They have to do 3258352 things before they decide if they are going to admit you or send you home. They checked me to see if I was dilated, I was only at 2. Ouch. They admit you at 4. I am not going home. They check to see if my water has broken, which I told them it hadn't. Apparently it had. And I missed it. Do you know how disappointed I was?! It was not like the gush of fluid they say. I know some experience that, but I did not. They took my blood, prepped me for the epidural, and it was hurry up and wait time.

I dilated a cm each hour. Around 3 the baby's heart rate/DCells dropped dramatically. My doctor stayed at the hospital and monitored his heart rate the entire labor process. He's awesome. It was scary. They dropped two or three more times, and he was talking to me about a possible c section. I lost it. I couldn't stop crying. Not that there is ANY THING wrong with a c-section, I seriously did not want surgery. I had about 10 minutes to come to peace with it, and if it was what kept him safest, that is what we would do. My doctor is a very patient man. So we waited, and everything was progressing great. No C Section. Around 7 am they came in to check me, said it was time to start practice pushing. Real pushing began at 810, and Warren Christopher was born at 9:39.

His first month home has been an adventure. I have never felt more emotions than during those first two weeks. From absolute joy to complete anxiety. Those two weeks were the hardest two weeks of my life. I had no clue what I was doing [let's be honest, I still don't lol], and my baby was hysterical. I mean at times, the screams were enough to bring you to your knees. It was hard, and you feel so unbelievably helpless. Breastfeeding was miserable. Yes, I said it. It was going great in the hospital, but when my milk came in [and my gracious it came in with vengeance!], it's like he had no clue how to latch anymore. It was the hardest thing not to just say screw it, forget this. But, with the help of a lactation consultant, we made it work. He would only sleep on my chest. Okay, so I am not saying that last part is bad at all. I kind of miss those newborn snuggles... a lot!! And then, just when you feel so helpless, your son pees on the couch and all over your mom's hair mid diaper change. And you laugh. And laugh. And laugh some more. And then, at 3 AM when your mom is handing you the clean diaper, you change it. She asks for the dirty diaper that you SWEAR you just gave her. And then you both realize that you taped the dirty diaper tab to the clean diaper. And you laugh and laugh and laugh some more.

But, I say all that to say, they made me stronger. I think all mom's go through that. At least that's what I am telling myself. Those two weeks gave me the confidence that if I can handle all of that not knowing anything, I've got this. I can do it. It doesn't necessarily get easier, but you get better.  And you just have to laugh along the way. [I read this article the other day, tears streamed through the entire thing. All I can say is, YES.]

This sweet boy has stolen our hearts. I never knew I could love someone so much. I know that is so cliche, but it is SO true. He makes us laugh constantly. He is amazing us every day with the things he can do, and the way he is changing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

37 Weeks

Size of Baby: 37 weeks! [that is a apparently winter melon, in case you're curious!]

Gender: BOY!

Fun fact: All the apps say I am offically FULL TERM! Basically, all of his organs and systems function the way they should if I were to go into labor!

Movement: They've slowed down a little, he's running out of room. 

Sleep: I'm sleepy all the time. I still wake up about 2-3 times a night, so I am sleeping in about 2-3 hour increments. My body is truly prepping for baby!

Workouts: It is H-O-T. With a heat index of over 100 every day, this has slowed down drastically. I am still moving around a lot.. but the "workouts" have definitely slowed down.

Maternity Clothes: Same.Target Black Maxi, you da real MVP.

Symptoms: Other than just being tired, I can't complain. I do have a pretty painful case of carpal tunnel in my hands, but that will go away hopefully after baby is born. My doctor recommended a wrist brace, so I will be getting one of those today.
Cravings/Aversions: I crave keeping my dinner down. I have a nice little case of third trimester evening sickness! ha!

Missing Most: Fall. Lol can anyone relate?! It is hot out there!

Nursery: Ready for baby :)

Hubby: He's been so helpful when I move at a glacial pace! Lol

Best part of the Week: Knowing that I am one day closer to having this baby boy! Mom and I made freezer meals on Sunday. I have about 16 meals made up so far. Which will last us awhile, since I know mom will cook and friends will bring stuff over for us. God bless them. I did burn my stomach during the process via baking pan. I was more upset that there was now a mark on my stomach than the actual burn, because I surprisingly don't have any stretch marks [yet...].

Can't Wait For: To have this sweet baby boy!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

8 Month Recap

Whoa, it's been a quick minute on the recaps. So, instead of doing weekly ones, I will just sum it up in the 8 month!

Size of Baby: 35w5d

Gender: Sweet baby BOY! I seriously cannot wait to call his name the first

Fun fact: We had our baby shower, and it was absolutely perfect! 

Movement: He is running out of room, but he still is moving a lot!

Sleep:  L O L. What is that?! I am at that "no position is comfortable" stage. The 8th month wasn't too bad, but gradually has gotten more difficult. Whoever says "Get your sleep now" has obviously never been pregnant! Ha, kidding!!

Workouts: Walking, and had to really slow it down, which really stinks!  

Maternity Clothes: Same. I live in my Junior's Target Black Maxi.

Symptoms: Exhaustion. Achy. Swelling (woof). You name it! Lol. I had some blood pressure issues last week... it was running a little high for me, not high for concern, but high for me. Then, last Wednesday I was at the dentist and passed out... BP dropped to 80/40. It was easily the scariest moment of my life, and I am not exaggerating when I say that. I was terrified. Which I think led me to have a panic attack. So, my dr admitted me to L&D to be monitored. Everything was a-okay, thank goodness. I just have to take it easy. Which is easier said than done!!
Cravings/Aversions: nothing really,

Missing Most: A nice cold turkey sandwich. So maybe I am craving something!!

Nursery: Basically done and ready for baby! I have his sheets and clothes washed!

Hubby:getting excited. And I think he's really nervous. Which is kind of neat. Glad to know I am not the only one thinking "oh my gosh, I am about to be responsible for a tiny human!!"

Best part of the Week [month]: Baby Shower was definitely a highlight for me!It was so perfect, and I couldn't have wished for more! I have the best friends.

Can't Wait For: We are going to the Luke Bryan/FLAGALine/Randy Houser/Dustin Lynch/& TR concert on Saturday. I am so pumped. This is kind of our last hoo-rah before baby boy gets here! We will have many after, but for the last month, I am actually planning to get some rest. Haha, we shall see if that actually happens!! I am also looking forward to my dr appointment next week... its the downhill slide from here!! Ahh!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18th | 4 years

I met Garic my freshman year during winter term. I remember him coming to class late, and having to sit next to me on the front row. Over those next three weeks we became friends, good friends actually. He had just gotten back from his deployment with the Marines. I had an instant respect and fondness of him. He was likeable. Class was over and we went about our ways. That following fall semester I joined my sorority. I also had another class with him. Naturally, we sat next to each other. We bonded all over again, and wondered why we didn't stay in touch. He kept trying to set me up with his little brother. I was unavailable and uninterested. In a nutshell, I was still with my high school boyfriend of (on again off again) 6 years. I know. Enough about that. After We broke up, he tried harder. He's persistent. Anyways,  he gave up on trying to set us up after two semesters of failed invites and somewhat convincing arguments.

A year passed. I moved on. And one night, my sorority sisters talked me into going to a cookout. And if you read my blog, you know that's where I met my now husband. He was persistent, too. I can still remember him telling me to give him a call later. Lol, I don't call boys. Mama taught me that. Jokingly, I said "I only know one person that's a Sigma Nu, and he's not even here to vouch for you." He asked who it was. I said Garic. What do you know, he's Garic's little brother. I laughed. God, you work in mysterious ways.

Shortly after we began dating, Garic passed away. It's been four years. Four years of missing our friend and brother. This day is always hard. But the days in between are hard, too. There honestly isn't a day that I don't think of him and wish he were still here. You see, he loved life. He embodied what a friend is supposed to be. He was honest to the core, and loyal to a fault. He laughed hard, loved hard, and fought hard. He helped my husband grieve the loss of his mother. He guided him through his first years of college. He was a shoulder to lean on, and he had your back. I grew up that day. I saw life differently. I saw people differently. Losing someone like that will do that to you.

So badly I wish he were here to share this time with Pat and I. I wish he could meet my son. I wish he could love him, and teach him, and encourage him only the way Garic can. He would've been the best uncle. Four years seems like a lifetime ago. But at the same time it feels like yesterday. So, here's to celebrating a beautifully impactful life. Here's to laughter and friendship. Here's to you, Garic.

It's been a long day without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about when I see you again.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

31 Weeks

Size of Baby: the size of a pineapple!

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: He has had the hiccups twice this week! I always questioned, "How in the world do you crazy mommas know that the baby has hiccups?!" Everyone said, you just know. And let me tell you, you just know. It was so funny/cute.

Movement: By far the best thing about pregnancy, and it makes it allllll worth it.

Sleep:  I slept sooooo good last night. I only got up once. What in the world!? I needed that sleep after our crazy weekend!

Workouts: Elliptical/Walking Lila. I am noticing being able to do less due to the whole not being able to breathe thing!

Maternity Clothes: Same.

Symptoms: Just an overall sense of being exhausted. But I will take it!
Cravings/Aversions: nothing really

Missing Most Cool weather! haha!

Nursery: Matress, check. Monitor [that we wont need for awhile], check.

Hubby: as said the last few weeks, and especially true this week... the real MVP.

Best part of the Week: Saturday was full of celebrations... we partied with the coolest 3 year old on the planet at his birthday party. Mom and I attended a wedding of a girl I have known since I was 12 and she was 9. We also celebrated Caroline's big 2-5 at dinner later that night, where we laughed hysterically about whoopee cushions and why people aren't Jesus. Long story, haha!

Can't Wait For: Tonight: our first baby class!! Ahh!! I am nervous and excited! Saturday my grandparents come in. Sunday all of my dearest friends and family are getting together to celebrate baby boy at my shower!! I am so excited to be around everyone!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

30 Weeks

 Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg
 Helllllloooo Belly.

Size of Baby: the size of a cucumber!

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: He's now strong enough to grasp a finger. My gracious I cannot wait to see those little fingers.

Movement: this boy loves to move. Just when I think I can't be any more miserable, he kicks and I realize it is all worth it and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything!

Sleep:  I actually slept great last night for a first this week, however I think it's time to get rid of the pregnancy pillow. It was great for awhile, now it just annoys the heck outta me!

Workouts: Elliptical/Walking Lila. I did run a little this weekend, which felt soooo good at the time. But, made me extremely sore.

Maternity Clothes: Same. Loving my "maternity belt"... It really helps with the back pain I have.

Symptoms: The says it best...  (minus the swelling-- I am not really swollen any where yet). Heartburt, discomfort, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping/fatigue, and hormones. Check.
Cravings/Aversions: nothing really

Missing Most: being comfortable and being able to reach all the way into our top loader washing machine, ha!

Nursery: Picking up the mattress soon, it is on sale this week!

Hubby: the real MVP.

Best part of the Week: Hearing baby boy's heartbeat on Monday!

Can't Wait For: Busy busy weekend this weekend, I hope I can make it! We start our classes next week, and I am so excited/nervous!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

29 Weeks

How Far Along: 29 Weeks!

Displaying IMG_6061.JPG
[please excuse the ugly floor and awkward angle!]

Size of Baby: the size of an acorn squash (LOL).

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: Heartbeat was strong this last appointment, 140-144 bpm. I have now graduated to appointments every 2 weeks instead of four. 

Movement: this boy loves to move. Just when I think I can't be any more miserable, he kicks and I realize it is all worth it and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything!

Sleep:  I can't get enough sleep. I wake up every few hours during the night. I have a feeling I will be moving to the couch soon. I guess it's all a part of the third trimester, but exhaustion has officially set in.

Workouts: Elliptical at the gym since it's been raining like crazy this week 

Maternity Clothes: Same. Whatever I am most comfy in!

Symptoms: Back pain like none other, heartburn, just overall discomfort. But, I have 11 weeks to go, so I am staying positive!

Cravings/Aversions: nothing really

Missing Most: being comfortable, I know that sounds terrible.

Nursery: Last week I said I was ordering the matress..... so that is my goal this week!

Hubby: the real MVP.

Best part of the Week: I took 2 naps on Monday. They were short and sweet, but my body obviously needs it. I tend to not slow down.

Can't Wait For: the weekend! Drs appt Monday to check on baby boy!! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Four

{Four nicknames}
Lums (shortened maiden name)
Sara Rie
Smalls (Pat's doing)
And I really can't think of another right now

{Four movies I’ve watched more than once}
I have seen many movies more than once so let's say more than 5 times!
Something Borrowed
A Walk To Remember
Remember the Titans
Mean Girls

{Four things in my purse}
Water bottle
business cards
tide to go pen

{Four favorite places to shop}
Pre-pregnancy: Loft
Local shops 

{Four places I’ve lived}
Memphis, TN {born}
Donelson, TN {2-6}
Gallatin, TN {6-current}
Bowling Green, KY {WKU college years}
{Four ultimate favorite foods}
Turkey Sandwich
Anything Chick fil A 
Mac n Cheese
{Four pet peeves}
Saying one thing and doing another
Heartburn {thanks baby}
When people "live tweet"... put your phone down and enjoy the moment people!
A messy house
{Four favorite drinks}
White Wine {sweet, not dry}
Sweet Tea {yes, it counts}

{Four places I’ve traveled}
Just 4?!
Europe {London/Scotland}
Carribbean {St Thomas/St Maarten/Grand Cayman/Jamaica/Bahamas/Antigua}
Florida {West Palm/Tampa//Miami/Orlando/PCB-ew/Destin}
West Coast {San Diego/Seattle}

{Four placed I’d like to travel}
St. Lucia 
New England Area

{For places I’d like to re-travel to}
North Carolina
Ocho Rios Jamaica
{Four favorite chain restaurants}
We don't usually eat at many chains...
Rose Pepper Cantina
Chickfila- duh.

{Four tv shows I'm currently watching}
Most shows ended this week.. So I'll start with my summer list
Bachelorette-- we shall see how this season goes.
SYTYCD- not a fan of this new format- but I am giving it a chance
Master Chef
Literally drawing a blank right now......
{Four things I’m looking forward to this year}
My baby shower
Summer, Summer, and Summer
Baby boy making his grand debut
Soaking up all the time with friends I can get!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

28 Weeks

How Far Along: 28 weeks.... Hellooooooo Third trimester!! I cannot believe my due date is literally around the corner! 

Size of Baby: the size of an eggplant... 2-2.5 pounds, 13.5-15 inches! What!? 

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: his lungs are getting stronger, I like to think he's preparing for long runs with momma! 

Movement: this boy loves to move. 

Sleep: sleep?? What is that? Just kidding. God is definitely preparing me in a glimpse of what life will be like. I stay up a little later, and I get up twice through the night. Usually at midnight and 3:30. I'm sleeping in 2-3 hour increments. Normally, I'd be dragging, but I'm surprisingly adjusting. 

Workouts: I've slacked this week.. But ready for a good walk with Lila today! 

Maternity Clothes: Same... mixin and matchin! 

Symptoms: Back pain, but he massage I had Saturday did wonders for me physically and emotionally. Heartburn around 3 everyday. Morgan said this is a sign of a head full of hair, haha! 

Cravings/Aversions: fruit! 

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: ordering the mattress this week, hopefully

Hubby: loves to look over and see him moving... He thinks it's so funny! 

Best part of the Week: seeing Pitch Perfect 2 with the girls... That movie is hilarious. Jayme got to feel baby boy moving which was super neat! 

Can't Wait For: everyone to get my shower invite this week! Jordyn did such a great job on them... They are precious!!!! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Five

This week has been such a slow one! Here are a few things I am loving/looking forward to! Also, please tell me you've seen the updates of the Bad Blood music video?! My close friends have all text me about it. My love for TSwift has always been known. And my love for Ellen and Mariska are well known as well. Soooooo you could say I'm 100% sure I already love this video.

Series Finale of Revenge [Semi-spoiler alert]
I am usually very apprehensive about finales. I still haven't watched the awful Grey's episode from 4 weeks ago. However, I was excited about this one. I hoped it would end in a way that brought the show full circle. And it did. Kudos, Revenge Writers, kudos.


Prenatal Massage
Holla. This week has been so brutal on my hips and lower back. Tears occured last night. So, after putting it off all week... I went to our chiropractor who works wonders. He adjusted my hips for me and recommended I get a massage. Oh, and to not sit for more than an hour total all day. LOL. Yes, this was my birthday present that I still haven't redeemed. I have an appointment three weeks away. Insert saddest emoji you can find. So, I may be trying to find someone that can get me in sooner. This soon to be mama needs some relief. 

Pitch Perfect
Girls night [plus Pat probably] this weekend. I cannot wait. Not only am I looking forward to the movie and laughing hysterically, but I am excited to spend time with the girls! 

Yesterday I took off half a day of work to be home for the dresser delivery. Estimated arrival time: 11-3. Lol. It didn't arrive until 5:45. Needless to say, the nursery is almost complete! We just need to pick out a matress. Which is hard work y'all-- any recommendations?! Pictures to come after my shower!
I love this quote. 

Positive Changes Your Life | You are here: Home › Quotes › Every positive change in your life ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

27 Weeks

How Far Along: 27 Weeks, I skipped 26 weeks because we were on Vacation. Basically-- baby boy LOVES the beach, as do I . Lots of movement, and lots of relaxation.

Size of Baby: A cauliflower 14 in, and about 2 pounds! Grow Baby, grow!

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: baby is practicing breathing!

Movement: I feel him more and more every day. I am thinking I will have a 3 am baby on our hands!

Sleep: Sleep is treasured. Quite possibly my favorite part of the day is getting in bed. Ha!

Workouts: While in Florida I rocked the elliptical every day. Since being back, I am doing walks around the 'hood with Lila, and some weight exercise.

Maternity Clothes: Same... mixin and matchin! Lol. I am getting to the point where my tops no longer fit my growing belly.

Symptoms: The back pain is real, but I am pushing through it!

Cravings/Aversions: Same

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: The crib is up, our glider is in!! It came in while we were gone and it looks perfect in the room!

Hubby: is getting really excited!! He loved watching him move and groove while on the beach!

Best part of the Week: Last night Jo sent me a preview of my baby shower invitation, and I cried. I may be bias, but it's the cutest thing ever.

Can't Wait For: The weekend! Lol And next week... Officially THIRD  trimester!!! Some apps say 27 weeks, some say 28... You  think those would be kind of concrete rules, but oh well!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

A Letter To Mom


Over the past 25 years, we've been a lot of things to each other. We have travelled together, cooked together, shopped til we dropped together. It was you that I heard running through the ER yelling my name while I was semi-conscious. It was you that stayed by side in The hospital for 4 days after having major vascular surgery. It was you who always changed my band aids. It was you who consoled my first broken heart. It was you that told me that "dumb ole boy would regret it" one day. You told me to be wary of those friends, and I didn't listen. You told me to be home by 9, I came home at 11. You were waiting on the couch, in the dark. Terrifying touch, I might add. You loved me through middle school/high school. How you did it, I'm still clueless. You helped move me into my first dorm, out of my dorm, back into a dorm, and so on for 5 years. You didn't judge me when I changed my major just shy of two semesters graduating. You welcomed Pat into the family with open arms. You celebrated ever high and held me in every low. 

I have your eyes, your laugh, your sass. I have your emotional side and your love for all things 80s. I have your love for animals and love for cooking. You are my pillar. You are my guiding light. When nothing in this world makes sense, I know one thing remains: God has given me a mother whose love knows no bounds for me. For that, I'm forever grateful. I hope and pray that I am half the mom to baby Boy that you were and are to me. Life has changed a lot in the past two years. We have been through it, that's for sure. And from the looks of the news we got this week, we are just getting started. But not once did I ever doubt your strength and perseverance. I love you, Momma. More than words on a blog could ever portray. 


Friday, May 1, 2015

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 Weeks-- 14 weeks to go. What?!

Size of Baby: A Rutabaga.... Lol. 13-14 in, and about 1.5 pounds! No wonder I'm feeling a little larger than normal, ha! 

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: glucose test was this morning. Fingers crossed! It wasn't near as bad as people make it out to be. There are far more unpleasant things that come along with pregnancy than that drink! Lol 

Movement: love feeling him kick and jab! Pat really got to feel him last night since the movements are so much stronger. Grow baby, grow!

Sleep: Sleep is going well, I bought a pregnancy pillow. 

Workouts: Same, getting the miles in with walks and toning exercises. I'm looking forward to staying at the condo this following week... The gym is just downstairs instead of 15 minutes away. 

Maternity Clothes: Same- living in maxis right now. I did go searching for bathing suits, I ended up just getting a bigger size at Target instead of maternity. I hate it clinging to my skin! 

Symptoms: a little heartburn and back pain, but all is well! 

Cravings/Aversions: Same

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: Pat put the crib together on my birthday last weekend. Eeeeekkk!

Hubby: currently driving us to Destin as I type, so we can't complain :)

Best part of the Week: We are almost halfway to Destin! Woohoo!!

Can't Wait For: Being in Destin!!!!!!! Nine days yall.  

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Owning It

I love the idea of this link up! Shoutout to Christina for such a fun idea. Here's to Owning It & claiming your crazy.

- pregnancy brain is real.
And I have it full force. I used to be a great texter, meal planner, house cleaner, sales manager, and morning person.... Now you're lucky if I remember my phone when I walk out the door and get out of said door before 8. I've made three lists for Florida, and lost all three of them. Help. I've heard it doesn't go away after baby is born.

- I'm so indecisive.
It's bad. It drives my husband nuts. I am working on it. I swear. You should've seen us when trying to name our baby boy. (Monogram is already on an outfit, so hes stuck with it!) good news, I picked my wedding dress and nursery theme after the first thing I picked out. I'm not completely whacky.

- I am a crier.
This is no surprise to anyone. Sweet commercial? I'm crying. Moving song on? I'll cry. Forget watching soldiers coming home. However, I rarely cry when I am sad. I do cry when I'm really mad though. Owning it, right!?

- I hate seafood.
If it swims, I'm not eating it. I wish I could, but I just can't.

- I'm dying to get hardwood floors.
However, I know that constantly seeing every speck will drive me nuts.

- I cannot resist ChickFilA.
Even with morning sickness and meat aversion, chicken from there was all I could.

- I lack serious patience.
I pray daily God changes this. He's working on me.

- Short hair vs Long hair
I love my hair shorter. But I would be lying if I said I didn't really miss my long hair sometimes.

- I hate driving.

-If I could live anywhere other than Nashville, I would live in Florida. There have been serious talks about the future and this idea.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm gonna make this place your home

One year. It's been one whole year since we began the journey of making a house our home. We had no idea that beginning the moving in process on April 28, 2014 that our lives would change in ways we never imagined. I was so excited on that day. I had no idea what these four walls had in store for us. I couldn't have dreamed it even if I tried.

Five days after we began the moving in process, our sweet Hersh would pass away. The heartache, that is very much still here today, was something that we knew would happen soon. However, we were hoping she'd make it to the house first. That was our goal, get Hersh to the new house. God had a much better plan in mind. This way, our home would never be associated with that very traumatic morning, but only of her running around like crazy sniffing every new corner.

We have had laughs, tears, growing pains, get togethers, and everything in between in this house.. Friends and family have barred their soul on our couch, laughed in our kitchen, melted the hot dog bun wrappers on the grill. We've cooked (and burned) so many meals, and learned to fix things we accidentally broke. We have grown leaps and bounds. We have weathered the storms, literally and figuratively. We created a life in this house. TMI? Sorry. We've told most of those same friends and family in this house that we were expecting, as well as revealing the gender. No one knocks at our house.. Everyone just walks in. Well those that know Lila do at least. Otherwise they may not get a pleasant greeting.  Most friends have certain spots they always sit in.

In just one year, we've experienced so much life and love in this house. We made the house at 1026 a home. While nothing will replace the first year in your first home, I have a feeling this next year will be full of some pretty great times.