Thursday, December 13, 2012

Here's to the nights

As I move out of my house in BG, I can't help but cry the entire way home. While I've only lived there for two years, I think it's a part of me. I've grown more in the past two years than the 4 (cough 5) years I've been in this interesting town. I could list the good and bad times in that house for days. But that would just cause more tears. From crying on the floor because of some clearly traumatic event, to dizzy bat at midnight, and playing in the pouring  rain after a sorority meeting... I will miss that house and all that happened there.

So here's to goodbye, tomorrow's gonna come too soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

10 things

So, I most definitely stole this idea from fellow blogger, sonic drink lover, football fanatic, and dear friend, Caroline. Ten things I love...

10 Things Tuesday

  1. The fact I am engaged to my best friend
  2. Monograms - and that mine won't change (if only I had a dollar for everytime some said that- I could pay for this wedding)
  3. Its 70 degrees in December
  4. Taylor Swift is coming in concert in September (hellurrr bachelorette party)
  5. Owls - for more reasons than just they are cute
  6. Anchors. Duh.
  7.  My bridesmaids (even if I haven't officially told all of them they are chosen yet)
  8. My dogs
  9. I graduate in 158 days. Thank you Jesus.
  10. My best friend's wedding is in 179 days. She will be the most beautiful bride in all of history.