Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday 5

IcePalooza 2015 is coming to an end. Praise. Friday always has a bit of happiness to it, especially this week when I have only officially worked 2 days!


Baby appointment yesterday. Drum Roll Please: We have an anamtomy scan date! Even better than that, I got to hear the heart beat for an entire minute yesterday. Talk about a flood of emotions. I don't think I have ever experienced anything quite as remarkable. And I know the best is yet to come! I asked my Dr if I could record it, and he said of course! I quickly sent it to just a few close friends and family. I couldn't contain myself. There were a lot of "OMG!" and "I am crying" [from my bff that never cries] and Jo's was my favorite "That is the sweetest sound I have ever heard." Indeed it was! I have told everyone the date of the anatomy scan, to pray that baby cooperates, and more importantly that baby is healthy and happy! Also, I think we are keeping it a secret [from mostly everyone] until we go to Seattle to share with his family. I think it will be neat to enjoy it just us [and a few of our closest friends and family, of course.. like I can keep that secret. Are you kidding?!!!]


I am so tired of all things winter and cold. I am ready for spring. And maternity clothes. Because I hear those are super comfy and awesome. My belly probably won't be showing this much until the last trimester (May/June), but who knows! I lost 5 pounds in the first trimester, and still holding strong at that number... Just waiting for that moment when it all changes! Ha! Bring on maxi skirts and flowy dresses!

EARNING HER STRIPES photo | Reese Witherspoon


Emily Ley's baby book. I cannot wait to purchase this! I have been holding out way too long, so I have random notes stashed so I don't forget to add anything when I finally get it in April! Picture courtesy of her FB page!


Enough baby talk for now, I am hoping I can maybe sucker Pat into painting this weekend?! We still have our statement wall and downstairs foyer and bathroom. Help. Is anyone else horrible at picking paint colors?! It is just so difficult. I so wish I had that creative eye! I love love love the gray trend [revere pewter is currently our downstairs], but I don't know if it really suits us. I am such a neutral queen. Do you have any absolute faves?!


And just to lighten everyone's day, I give you this.

Truth - There Is No Angry Way To Say Bubbles. #quotes #words 

1 comment:

  1. The baby's heartbeat is seriously the most glorious sound I think I've ever heard!!! And yay for the anatomy scan!!!!
