Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers to 2013

I have never been one to go crazy about NYE. However, my sentimental nature absolutely loves reflecting on what I have learned this year, and what I want next year to be like. In the words of the great Taylor Swift, "you can plan for a change in the weather and time..." Other than that, it is completely unexpected what will happen in 2014. I have big goals. I have small goals. However, the goals aren't really that important. If you think about it, the top goals made on NYD are rarely met. Why? In my opinion, the reason is obvious. People don't think about and plan for the steps and daily tasks that will need to happen in order to get to that goal. I have been reading a lot of Emily Ley's blogs and her friend Lara, and a common theme seems to really be tugging at me: making things happen.

I have learned so much this year in my own life, and from others' lives as well. I am continuing to learn these things. I do not have it all together by any means, but I have had moments where the light bulb just came o and these truths became so evident.  Here are some highlights of that.

  • Invest in a marriage, not a wedding.
  • Communication is everything.
  • Your words matter. Think carefully before you speak, text, tweet, email, etc. You never know who you are impacting with your words. 
  • Friends will let you down, and sometimes, their words and actions will really hurt you. Forgive them. Whether they even know it or not. 
  • Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • Let go of things you cannot change. And stop trying to mold yourself into someone else's idea of what you should be.
  • Social Media can be a wonderful thing. Are you using it wisely? If it were posted on a billboard, would you be proud or embarrassed? Again- your words matter.
  • Love. Love with all you have.
  • Work hard. You can take a break later.
  • The only thing stopping you from being great is what sits on your shoulders.
  • Don't wait for permission or acceptance. Just do it. ( unless it's with your husband ;) )
  • You become the average of the 5 people you interact with the most. Choose Wisely.
  • Failure is not a word in your vocabulary.

My goals for 2014 are broad. Each month I am going to focus on specific goals within each in hopes that I continue to grow. The past few weeks I have spent a lot of time thinking about a verse that would tie everything from 2013 to my goals of 2014 and this one keeps coming to mind. I have placed it where I will see it every day in hopes that I will constantly be reminded:

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you O Lord... Psalm 19:14 

In 2014 I plan:
  • To continue to learn.
  • To invest in my marriage.
  • To invest in relationships.
  • To be intentional.
  • To live a life of loyalty, integrity, and hard work. 

Circling back to my intro, I saw this quote on Lara's blog about making things happen. It is such a great motivation to me! I made it all cute and whatnot on an app.

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Cheers to 2013, let's do this 2014! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Pressing Pause

For the next thirty or however long it takes me to type this minutes, I am just going to press pause on life. Technically you can't do that, but I just want to sit and enjoy this past week/weekend. As I have mentioned before, I have been going through a really hard time these past two months. Yes, I know it could always be worse, and I am so grateful for this crazy life. But I just couldn't shake the funk I have been in. And let me tell you, this week has definitely been an answered prayer.

Patrick has officially been extended a transfer offer. Um, can I get a "PTL!!!" This has been such a weight lifted off our hearts. Traveling two hours 4-5 times a week has been really hard on us as a couple. Not only has it impacted us financially, but emotionally as well. I will actually get to see him, and we can both look at house together! As soon as he told me, I literally dropped the phone and started crying. It was that big of a deal.

Lila finally had her hip(s) surgery. Man, it's been pitiful watching her lay there absolutely helpless. I know it will be worth it in the end, but it's been a challenge!

We went to a Christmas party Friday night, and I am so glad that we did! Patrick made a few friends, and I got to catch up with some that I rarely get to see! Moving to a state where you know a very few amount of people can be difficult. So, I was really happy that Pat got that opportunity to meet people he has things in common with!!

I got my new Emily Ley planner in the mail! It is SO worth the money and wait. It is perfect for work and life!

Here is to appreciating the next few days, and taking time to realize what truly matters most!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a blast! It was full of everything that I love most!
 I got to spend some quality time with one of my dearest and oldest friends, Jordyn.

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We ran the Nashville Rudolph's Red Nose 5k. Well, we ran a little and laughed a lot.

Oh, Patrick graduated! Woohoo!!!! I am so excited about this next chapter in our lives. And want to know what is even better? I get to spend every evening with him this week! Talk about a blessing!
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Friday, December 13, 2013

Cheers to a New Year Part 2

April, May, and June. The most jam-packed months all year.
Joining the Link up with the gals on the button at the bottom!


My birthday month. Big 2-3. 
First time I had ran 8 miles.
Engagement pictures. In the rain. 
My Matron of Honor's (Bailey) bridal shower. 
We go to the Jason Aldean, Jake Owen, and TR concert in Knoxville. 
Caroline, maid of honor, buys her first home! I wasn't directly a part of this, but it definitely was worth recapping!! What a huge accomplishment!
Taryn and I start planning Bailey's bachelorette. 


I went to Philly for a training for my future work. Loved the history of this city, so fascinating. 
My friend Jordyn and I decided to run our first half marathon in September.
I graduated college, Cum Laude. 
Started my career the following Monday. 
Bailey's Bachelorette.


Bailey gets married.  

Peach State of Mind

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2 Minute Microwave Fudge

Yes, you read that correctly. Here is my favorite, quick & easy fudge recipe. And, it is literally fool proof. It may not be the most nutritional food I will ever put on here, but it is so yummy!


3 2/3 cups of Confectioners Sugar
1/2 cup of Hershey's Cocoa
1/4 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Butter (1 Stick, I use 1/2 stick to save some calories)
1 Tablespoon Vanilla


Combine all ingredients except vanilla into a large microwavable bowl. Cook for 2 minutes in microwave. Stir ingredients until smooth. Blend Vanilla into mixture. Spread into a pan lined with foil. I put mine in the refrigerator to cool. 


If the sugar seems to be more "clumpy" than fine, sifting before microwaving may help smooth the sugar so it blends better.

You can also make this however thick or thin you like by how thin you spread into the pan. If you like thicker fudge, then do not spread it as thin.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Cheers to a New Year!

Joining a new link-up series. I love link-ups. It is refreshing to do something other than what you are in a routine of doing! Joining several ladies today, you can check out all the hosts at Peach State of Mind! This link up is all about recapping the year 2013, in a not so overwhelming way. What an awesome idea!

This week's focus is on January, February, and March!


Oh my. Does anyone else feel like this was ages ago?!

1. We started our last semester (me)/year (Pat) of college.
2. We officially moved back to TN from school, to commute for the remainder of time there. Thank goodness.
3. We went to Seattle! This was Pat's Christmas present, since he hadn't been home in almost 5 years! We had so much fun, and Seattle is such a cool city to visit.
4. This is also the month I started my weight loss journey. Which I haven't really talked about, but I have wanted to really sit down and lay it all out there. Maybe this link up will be a great way to show my journey!



1. I started running.
2. Nothing much exciting happened in February, other than wedding planning.
3. Oh, I had lost 5 pounds by the end of February. 


1. March was full of group projects and lots of coffee.
2. It was also the first time I had ever ran more than 3 miles. Woohoo. 

I am excited for next week's link up. Those months had a LOT of fun things happening in them!!

Peach State of Mind

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

these are a few of my favorite things

Head on over to their blogs, and check out everyone's great gift ideas! I have had such a fun time looking at everything that has been posted. It has given me a lot of great ideas, and made this holiday shopping a little easier! Thanks ladies, can't wait for future link ups!

This week's last, and in my opinion best, link up features a few of my favorite things <$100 that are perfect to share with family and friends! I like finding great deals on gifts. Inexpensive, but suit the person you are shopping for. Being a newlywed and recent college graduate, budget is always on my mind!

Here is a list of a few items that I absolutely love, and they make awesome *inexpensive* gifts for friends!

anthropologie mugs // these are perfect for friends and relatives. I saw these on the first linkup, and just knew I had to get a few! They are $8-10.
maybooks // perfect gift for the organizational minded friend is small enough for a purse but big enough to be useful! And they are under $20.
candle // No one can go wrong with a candle! And this scent is so yummy! Again, only $20!
pea coat  // got this nice pea coat for the hubs for Christmas! Originally 250, on sale for 79.99, plus 20% off and free shipping, total $64!
anything nfl related // come on, that's a given! 

What are some of your favorite gifts that you love to share with family and friends?!

Did you catch my stocking stuffer and favorite things posts? Check them out for other holiday gift ideas!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Long Weekend Recap

This long, four day weekend is just what I needed. I have been so overwhelmed lately. Sometimes in life it's hard to admit you've been struggling. At least, that is how I am. My closest friends didn't even know that I have been going through a tough time. It wasn't one particular thing, but an accumulation of things that were just beating me down. I recently saw a picture on Pinterest, and it was just what I needed to hear: Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it? Bam. Facepalm.

With that being said, this weekend was one where I just got to breathe. And I needed it. I feel refreshed, and ready to take on the rest of the year.

I went "Black Friday Shopping" with my mom on Friday. We started at 9 am and went until about 12:30. We aren't hardcore, at all. Just really went for fun, not really to buy TVs and get black eyes. I ended up purchasing a few things on my registry that were left over with some gift card money. Hello Fiesta Canisters!


I got all three of them, plus our Libbey 16 pc Glassware set for $130! I saved $157! Thank you Kohls.  I also purchased our first ornament as a married couple. I have looked essentially everywhere for the perfect one. I saw one on Coton Colors website, and I just didn't want to pay $25 for it plus shipping. Well, we went to a little boutique here locally in town, and I found the one I wanted and they were having a 20% off sale. Oh, and she offered to personalize it at no charge! Just because I was so nice to her! Um, thank you!!!!

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And just for fun, here is the sweetest dog in all the land. She loved helping decorate for Christmas.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nasvhille Snow

Yes, you read that correctly. It snowed in Nashville. What? I know. We were just as shocked, too. Now, let me define snow for you all as we Middle-Tennesseans see snow.. If a substance I refer to as "white rain" (because it rarely ever truly snows)falls and builds up even remotely enough to appear actually "White"... It snowed.  That is my story, and I am sticking to it. So while Pat was at work, the girls enjoyed their first snow of the season!

 Yes, she really loves me, I swear.

I normally don't post outfits, but this is the coat I got from the Christmas Village that Mom and I went to a couple weekends back. I absolutely love it. Until I went to wear it for the first time yesterday, and there was a huge (I am talking 5 inches) tear on the back! No worries, that is what needle and thread are for! 

these are a few of my favorite things!

I love Stocking Stuffers. Which makes this link up with Cheers Y'all and Down with the Dearmore's that much better! I have a general rule with stockings: if it will fit, it's totally acceptable! Anywhere from movies to chapstick!


 Some great ideas for the guys in our lives: 
Travel mug, socks, small cologne, beef jerky, The Pocket Ref book (too cool), gift cards to their favorite places, and my personal favorite is a coupon book, cheesy- I know. But it is really thoughtful!

What are some of your favorites?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Southwestern Soup

This past week, I was brave and tried a new soup recipe. I am pretty picky when it comes to soup. However, this one did not disappoint- and it was pretty inexpensive.


1 lb package of ground beef
2 cans of Kidney beans
2 cans chicken broth
2 cups of frozen corn
1 cup of salsa
2 spoonfuls of green chilies (it called for the whole can, but I was worried about the heat level)
1-2 tbsp. of chili powder - I didn't have chili powder, so I used a splash of red pepper sauce, some oregano, and cumin.


In a large stock pot/Dutch oven, brown meat until no longer pink. Drain meat.

Add all ingredients to stock pot including meat, and bring to a boil. This should take about 5-7 minutes depending in your stove. Reduce heat, add lid to pan, and let simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Top with whatever toppings are your favorite: cheese, sour cream, and torilla strips. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

In honor of my constant go-to theme on Wednesday, I figured I would continue on with tradition. Yes, I loved my wedding. But it is so much more than a Pinterest board and hours (I mean, hours) of planning. It is about a marriage. (Here is my 7th plug for Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Got Married by Gary Chapman-- read it. I have read it 3 times.)

As avid readers of my blog probably know by now, I love articles that leave you saying: "Wow. Truth bomb." The articles where you think, man I wish I would have written that; or, dang- that was so on point. So, any time I come across one, I usually share it with someone or I put it on here. Since marriage is obviously new to me, I really like ones that make me feel like, "oh, you too??!!" The amazing article I found was written by a blog called Diamond Diploma, she also wrote this post about "mom being right" that was so true, it's scary! I think it is a group of women that blog, but I haven't read a post that I don't enjoy- check out their site! So without further delay, here is the post The Truth About Marriage.

I copied it here at as well for those that don't want to click on a separate link! ** I do not take credit for this post in any way!! Other than the fact I am glad I found it!**

The Truth About Marriage

Your wedding day is approaching. All the planning and preparation is culminating in this one, beautiful ceremony. What advice does your mom give you?

“Don’t drink too much champagne!” “Soak up every moment— it’ll be over in a flash!” “Beware of the one-eyed snake!”
But… what happens after the wedding? Marriage.

Something my mom never told me? Most of a couple’s fighting occurs in their first couple years of marriage. Think about it! You’re now living with a member of the opposite sex, you’re still pretty foreign to each other, you don’t understand the other’s bathroom habits, and it just goes downhill from there.

Of course, it’s not all bathroom habits that have you and your new-found spouse up-in-arms. Its little things like your “right” way of loading the conveyor belt at the grocery store and his nasty habit of leaving sweaty gym socks balled up on the bedroom floor (no matter how many times you tell him to quit).

It’s safe to say that the little things definitely add up. I’ve only been married a couple of years now and I’m already exhausted from all the little things blowing up into unnecessarily big things.
Here are some things I wish I had known:

All the Little Things are Rooted in Bigger Things
His wadded up socks, your OCD quirks, his blown up frustrations, your emotional episodes. They’re all related. I’m not going to delve into the nitty-gritty of these differences, but understand that when it comes down to it, you two are of different genders. You speak different languages, do pretty much everything differently. Instead of letting that continue to frustrate and anger you, understand that you’re not going to change your spouse. Realize that God put two halves in the same house so as to create a balance. If you’ve been called to marriage, you’re charged with finding that balance. (This could take up to 50 years or more—Good luck!)

Miscommunication = Understatement of the Year
Say what you mean and mean what you say. The only way to overcome miscommunication is to speak deliberately and temperately. So many arguments blow up over things like tone of voice, misunderstandings of meaning and ill-chosen words. The only way to bridge the gender gap of “I just don’t get you” is to build a bridge of communication—one brick at a time. Start with your tone of voice. Are you honoring and loving each other the way you vowed by raising your voices or throwing sarcastic daggers? Take a step back and softly remind one another to be respectful. Next, work on your words. Say what you mean and mean what you say. It’s harder than it sounds. Choosing your words more carefully can avoid needless escalation in an argument by staying focused and on topic.

Never Say “Never” and Never Say “Always”
When you’re in an argument with your spouse, it’s vital to never say things like, “you never do this” or “you always do that!” One fight at a time, please! The minute you start bringing up every little thing from the past is the minute things can spiral out of your control. My husband is famous for allowing past hurts to infiltrate a present predicament. When he accuses me of the “always” or “never,” I find it my best course of action to gently bring the discussion to a halt, calmly ask him why he’s bringing up past transgressions, deal with the larger issue of him not feeling a sense of resolution, and then move back into the topic at hand. One fight at a time. Make sure your partner gets a sense of resolution so that these “always” and “never” fights become more infrequent.

You’re Your New Family Now
A lot of fights occur as a result of merging two families together. It’s not the easiest thing for most couples! One side of the family ends up being the favorite, or one bad relationship between you and an in-law ends up souring the whole darn thing. “Where are we spending Christmas? … But your family got it last year!” It’s tough to say the least. But just like turning to God in order to reestablish the foundation of your marriage, rifts like this compel you and your spouse to focus on each other and realize that you are your new family now. You’ve started your own branch. Prioritize with that in mind and face the politics of family feuding with one, clear mind.

Space isn’t the End of the World
What happens when you force a puzzle piece into a spot in which it doesn’t belong? It gets smushed, bent and worn, right? Same principle applies to forcing a resolution when one person isn’t ready. Sometimes it’s ok to fight and then go to your separate corners. You may have an attitude that insists on resolving the issue right here and now, every time, no matter what. But your spouse needs a little time to heal, to think or simply to just take a step back and breathe. Accommodate each other’s wishes. Don’t allow yourself to bully your spouse into resolving things right there and then if they’re not ready. That’s an insecurity on your part that needs some reflection—needing space doesn’t mean they love you any less.

I told you, truth bomb. Keep on posting, Diamond Diploma. Y'all rock. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things

The theme of this link up is so fun! So, naturally I had to join Cheers Y'all and Down with the Deamores. Here are a few of my favorite things right now!


1. Lauren Conrad Bedding
2. Emily Ley planner
3. Plum Paper Designs Planner (On Etsy or Website)

4. Puffer Vest
5. Modern Muse (I already have this, and I am in love with the smell!)
6. Pioneer Woman Cookbook. I've looked through this, and it has some great info and recipes!
7. Love this Southern Lady coffee mug. Too Cute.
8. One of the items left on our registry that I really want- Simply Caphalon Nonstick 7qt Dutch Oven!