Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I am always finding articles with advice for twenty-somethings. Why? Because this is a crazy time in your life. I know, and I am only 3 years into it. But, after I read this one, I do not know if anything can top it. It really is great. Some of the points don't really apply to me personally, but most do.

I posted the link to her tumblr page, but I am going to list my favorites. I highly recommend you read it, at least once a week :)

  1. Most of the time, you don’t know anything about anything. That was true when you were 15 and that will be true when you are 65. You do, however, know how to be a good person and you know how to follow your heart. Keep doing that and you’ll be just fine.                                                                                                           
  2. Don’t go on Facebook so much. Seriously, it’s a waste of time.                                                                                                                        
  3. Remember to always love your big strong legs, your bubble butt, the plumpness of your head, the way your eyes squint when you smile, and the petiteness of your lips. They are precious family heirlooms that have been handed down to you from generations of brilliantly beautiful people.                                                           
  4. Speaking of adventure, keep doing it. Travel the world as often as money and time will allow because you know how invaluable those experiences are but don’t forget about the smaller adventures. Those weekend getaways with your best friends, the 3 days spent caravanning around the state to help your brother and sister-in-law move into a new house, or the afternoons spent in a retirement community with your parents. Those experiences are just as invaluable and they fill your soul.                                     
  5. Always make time for your parents. They might live for another 67 years…but they probably won’t. Enjoy the time you spend with them. Don’t try to rush off the phone when they are telling you about their week. Enjoy getting to know them as their adult child and realize that they still have a lot to teach you.                                                                                                                                            
  6. In fact, make time for everyone in your life. You have a lot of people in your life who you love and who love you, be grateful. Don’t ever become one of those people who just gets too “busy.” Make time for the walk in the park, the cup of coffee, the glass of wine, the phone conversation. Make time.                                                                                                                                                                           
  7. Posture. Work on that. That curve in your back is going to be a lot more painful when you’re 70.                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  8. You’re kind of turning into a grouch. Stop that. Immediately. Yes, life has thrown you some pretty awful curve balls over the years. That will continue to happen until you die, it’s part of life. Let it make you grateful for all that you have. Let it make you stronger for having made it through. Let it make you compassionate for the 7 billion other people in the world who are dealing with their own struggles. Don’t let it make you bitter, don’t let it make you cynical, and DO NOT, whatever you do, let it take away your sunshine.                                                                                                                                                                                         
  9. Stop comparing yourself to your peers. You do you. You’re good at that.                                                                                            
  10. Stop worrying so much about what your job is going to be. It’s boring. Yes, you need to make money. But more importantly, you need to make a life for yourself. You need to make community. You need to make yourself and others happy. You need to make the world a better place. There are a lot of other things you need to make, don’t get so caught up in finding a job that you forget to make them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  11. Please don’t sell out. You’re better than that.                                                                                                                                      
  12. Be fearless and be brave. You are no longer the two year old little girl who was scared to go in the sand and walk down stairs. You are the young woman who has traveled the world, worked for causes you believed in and taken on a multinational financial institution. You are brave and you are fearless. Don’t forget it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  13. Same goes for kids. Just wait. I’m sure you’ll make a great mom one day but that day doesn’t have to be anytime soon.                                                                                                                   
  14. Believe in something bigger than you. Something that you will never understand. Whether it’s God or the Universe just believe in something because when everything else fails, which is bound to happen, all you’ll have left is your faith that things will get better.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  15. Always spend time in nature. Work in the garden and get dirt in your nails. Look up at the redwoods and know that you will never see the top. Stand at the edge of the ocean and wonder what’s beyond the horizon. Take it all in.                                                                                                                                                                                     
  16. Lastly, I think you’re wonderful. You forget this sometimes so I just wanted to remind you.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The VMA's. Or, aka Hot Mess

I didn't watch the VMA's. But here is what I learned:

Justin Timberlake is still perfection. Glad everyone now is finally realizing that I wasn't a crazy fan girl.

TSwift is one rich, bitter little 23 year old. But that is okay, because she tells it like it is. I think we need more of that honesty in Hollywood. Reality check: You boys know she is going to write a song about you and tell everyone it is about you, so why are you looking like you had NO idea that was going to happen?! 

Kanye still sucks.

I almost hated typing his name.

Miley is weird. Why are you all acting like this is some sort of shocking news?! Have you not seen her video?! Nonetheless, I have always loved her music and probably still will. Although, The Smith's family reaction was priceless. And, I bet Robin Thicke's wife is a little pissed.

Lady Gaga... you might have been out-weirded last night, but I still refuse to think you are good.

To 1D: What Taylor said. 

N*SYNC LIVES ON. What a nice throwback to when the VMA's were cool.

Katy Perry. I mean, have you ever jumped rope after cardio?! It is hard. I would like to think running a few miles is as hard as singing and dancing at the same time. So, to jump rope for like a minute after that....You go girl, you go. 

A child of Mercy and Grace

There has been a lot on my mind and heart this weekend. A quick fact about me: I expect a lot, I mean A LOT, from the people I care about. Don't confuse this with expecting material things, but more or less inner things. I expect my friends to be my friends. That is all. So, when a friend out right lies to me about plans they have on a very important weekend for me, and then posts it all over social media... I kinda get "over it." And, when I am over it, as I have stated before, I just don't care anymore- I push them away so I can have time to not be angry. I am working on that. It hurt, a lot. To be honest, I am still mad about it. So, on my run this morning God and I did our usual conversation. He kept trying to tell me something, but I didn't want to listen. (per usual, right?!) Anyways, I get in the car, turn on my fave radio show aka the Bobby Bones show. What are they talking about?! (Cue God-smack in the face) Leaving a legacy. Exactly what I was just fighting with God about on my 4 mile run.

You see, God has been humbling me through this running experience. He has been teaching me that it isn't about me, my abilities, or what I can do. It is about the strength and tools He is giving me every day to do what I thought was impossible. SO, with that being said. God was telling me this morning that I need to stop letting friends disappoint me. They are human, and they are selfish. End of story. Now, I am not knocking my friends, .. It is true about every human being, including myself. You expect a lot, and then you are disappointed. I know I am guilty of letting a friend down a time or two.

Back to leaving a legacy: When I am so focused on being mad and hurt that someone lied to me, or whatever they did "wrong" to me, I am not focusing on myself. By that I mean, I am not focused on being the person God has called me to be. He hasn't called me to be mad, angry, bitter, etc. He has called me to use what He has given me for His glory. I can't do that when I am subtweeting about how pissed I am. I want to leave a legacy that isn't influenced by how I responded when a friend lied to me.

I think this song sums up my ramblings best:
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

Friday, August 23, 2013

5 on Friday: Fall Edition

Originally, I planned on doing 5 fall pieces that I must have. Well, when doing that, I decided how about 5 fall outfits?! Yes?! That's what I thought too. Cheating, maybe, but that is okay.

First up: Around town outfit. Everything you need and more. While Tory Burch boots are an ultimate dream of mine, there are several alternatives that ring up less than $100- compared to these at $495. I am obsessed with this wool pullover, and of course the Longchamp. Who doesn't love a monogrammed scarf?! Leggings: the sorority girl's favorite article of clothing. I get all of mine from VS, and love them.

Around Town 

Second: Casual Fall. Whether it is going to the grocery or making a mini road trip... these are some of my must haves this fall.. and trust me, I will have them! I am seeing this monogram crewneck EVERYWHERE. And what's not to love about it?! Again, leggings are my go-to. They catch a lot of flack, but when worn properly, they look great. What adventure isn't complete without pearls and starbucks, I mean come on! And again... obsessed with Longchamp. Frees aren't my running shoe of choice, but I love the fun colors to wear on all other occasions.
Fall Casual

Third: Love this outfit for a casual date with the fiance/husband/boyfriend/third date OR for a dinner with girlfriends.
I love this lace top, and it is only $29! The boots are on sale as well  here. I have a Dooney similar to this one that I got on sale when I worked at Dillard's. Same story with the watch. Who doesn't love getting things at discount + sale price?! I am not big on jeans, but these black skinnies work great! 
Dinner with Girlfriends 

Fourth:These Excursion Vests From JCrew are a little pricey, and they are never in stock. I am hoping to find one similar at Target. Ugg boots are essential as it gets cooler out! Yurman bracelets can be pricey (let's be honest...ARE pricey), but I got mine as a present from SwellCaroline for $38. Searching desperately for a good deal on a monogram necklace like this one, that doesn't break the bank to buy.

Last, but not least: See a pattern here?! This would be fun for a movie/dinner date night! Love this color pairing of mustard & olive!
cardigan love

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

This week I am doing a shout out to the girl who did my bridal bouquet. While I can't post pictures on here of mine yet, head over to her Etsy Shop to get an idea of what kind of work she does! Her name is Samantha, and she has been so awesome to work with. I contacted her back in March to do my bouquets, and time got the best of me/thought I could do one myself to save money. Middle of June rolls around and I hadn't even given it second thought. Cue her saving the day. She not only finished my bouquet/corsages/boutonnieres yesterday and sent me pictures, but she is also so easy to work with... and I still spent way less money than had I gone to a florist for real flowers that would eventually die. 

I sent the pictures she sent me in an email to a few people, and the response was awesome! I was SO nervous about letting someone create my bridal bouquet out of rambling ideas in an email. She did beyond awesome. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone!

52 days and counting!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Run with Endurance

I am by no means an expert at running. I am new to this sport. I have had so many people come to me with questions about running. That, to me, is so encouraging.

I was told many times beforehand that the battle is not in the run, the battle is in the mind. And that battle starts raging in you at about mile 8-10.

I was talking with a friend yesterday who is running this race with me, and we both said we are doing this because we know the other is doing it. So many times, we have both wanted to throw in the towel. I sent her this verse because it is what I memorized and repeat over and over on long runs. It is also humbling to realize that you are not the champion after a run, HE is. The whole Scripture is Hebrews 12:1-3.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."  Hebrews 12:1

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I came across this article, and I love it! It talks about asking the right questions during these crazy, roller-coaster-like, emotional, fun years we call our twenties. Check it out!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Are you a pessimist? an optimist...a leader? #makesyouthink

People don't change

It is the time old question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? The philosophical debate of a glass half-empty or a glass half-full. Do or can people really change?

If you would have asked me that question before this summer, I would have answered very quickly, and adamantly said No. People don't change. The core of their being, yeah that is probably true. But, I have a different approach to this thought now. This summer has been one full of a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.  That statement can literally be applied to all aspects of my life: work, wedding planning, running, friendships, relationships in general, and so much more.

I am notorious for "shutting down" when I am "over something." It is just what I have always done. I put the hand emoji up, and say "no more..... I am done with this.... Let someone else deal with this nonsense" & so on.  I am the type of person that always looks for the positive or good in people. Sometimes, this can be my biggest weakness, and at other times it is my biggest strength.

So, what does any of this have to do with changing? I have stated many times that running has changed my life. Not in the way that Jesus has changed my life, but it has changed me. A lot of people, actually most people, do not understand me when I say that. And, I have come to accept that... that is okay.

Running forces you to focus. It forces you to deny what your mind is telling you. It forces you to ignore what everyone else in the world is saying to you or about you. It forces you to never accept "NO" as an option. It forces you to realize, yes-- you CAN do it.

Running has changed the way I approach and handle situations- in every aspect of my life. I no longer shut down and give up. Grant it, there are times when that little voice keeps telling me to, but I am able to overcome it and truly just *let it go*.  I have realized that I am moving forward with life, and I want to surround myself with people who want the same, and are willing to do what it takes for progress.

So yeah, maybe people don't really change. But, then again, maybe they do.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ray Bans, got the whole world shaded

Advertising and Sales take on Nashville, one meeting at a time. This is one of the perks of working just 9 minutes from your BFF & her car not cooperating.

photo 2.JPG

photo 1.JPG

Friday, August 9, 2013

Five things

Since I didn't do a Wedding Wednesday post, I am going to combine with with my 5 favorites on Friday. So here are my 5 favorite bridesmaids! (I only have 5, in case you were concerned)

Bailey- Matron of Honor. She has been my best friend since I was 6 years old and we lived across the street from each other. There aren't many childhood memories I have that don't relate to her somehow- some are quite funny. Ask me almost anything about my life after age 6 and it probably includes her.  I don't know a time when I didn't know her which is exactly why shes my matron of honor. It was an honor to be a part of her special day and also to have her a part of mine. It is a precious thing to be able to have a friend through every stage of life so far. I can sit here and laugh at the absolutely hilarious conversations we have had about anything and everything, especially "our" movies. So thankful for the many years of laughter, tears, heartache, pain, and joy shared with this one.

Caroline- Maid of Honor. Best friend for 5 years and counting. There are many adjectives that I could use to describe her, practically every quality you look for in a best friend, but I think my favorite is her sincerity. She is the real deal, during the good and bad for either of us. No matter what we are talking about whether its post grad probs, friends, wedding, running, or work... She is constantly making me laugh. And, Yes, I use this picture for everything. 1. Because I love it & 2. That weekend was one of my favorites, ever.

Amy- Bridesmaid. Big Sister. Literally and in Greek Life. She was the first person I met in Chi Omega on the first night of recruitment. I fell in love with her, no joke. Anyone that knows her, understands why. She is the big sister that I never had. I could not imagine my college life without her. Like, I have tried, and it just doesn't work.

Kylah- Bridesmaid. Chi O sister. I met Kylah the first month of being a new member at the St. Jude's Children Hospital trip. It wasn't until the next semester that we became close. Let me tell you, she is honestly one of the greatest people I have ever known. She is one of those friends that you could literally sit and talk to for hours without ever realizing it. Her enthusiasm and excitement for the wedding has been such a blessing to me.


Andrea- Bridesmaid. Co-worker aka co-ruckus maker. I met Andrea the first week at Dillard's and a month later, we wondered how we had gone this long without ever knowing each other. The managers didn't know what to do with us. We would drive aimlessly around BG listening to Gun Powder and Lead like some angry, crazy white girls. I absolutely love the memories I have with this girl. And I seriously think this picture sums up our friendship perfectly. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Little Notes

Every one loves snail mail. If you don't, you are totally lying. There is something about an unexpected note in the mail from a friend that just makes your day. Recently, Ashley Brooke Designs ran a sale on a few items. Lucky for me, wedding thank you cards were among the few. Now, not only are they absolutely precious, but their customer service is superior. They only had 4 of the newlywed ets in stock, when I had originally ordered 5 sets. A CS team member quickly emailed me to let me know about the issue and gave me the option of another set or crediting my account. How awesome!? I even got retweeted by @ABDesigns. Even more awesome.

The second picture was a surprise gift from my Maid of Honor! She got me the bridal sets and a new magazine! I can't wait to use them! :)
