Thursday, April 30, 2015

Owning It

I love the idea of this link up! Shoutout to Christina for such a fun idea. Here's to Owning It & claiming your crazy.

- pregnancy brain is real.
And I have it full force. I used to be a great texter, meal planner, house cleaner, sales manager, and morning person.... Now you're lucky if I remember my phone when I walk out the door and get out of said door before 8. I've made three lists for Florida, and lost all three of them. Help. I've heard it doesn't go away after baby is born.

- I'm so indecisive.
It's bad. It drives my husband nuts. I am working on it. I swear. You should've seen us when trying to name our baby boy. (Monogram is already on an outfit, so hes stuck with it!) good news, I picked my wedding dress and nursery theme after the first thing I picked out. I'm not completely whacky.

- I am a crier.
This is no surprise to anyone. Sweet commercial? I'm crying. Moving song on? I'll cry. Forget watching soldiers coming home. However, I rarely cry when I am sad. I do cry when I'm really mad though. Owning it, right!?

- I hate seafood.
If it swims, I'm not eating it. I wish I could, but I just can't.

- I'm dying to get hardwood floors.
However, I know that constantly seeing every speck will drive me nuts.

- I cannot resist ChickFilA.
Even with morning sickness and meat aversion, chicken from there was all I could.

- I lack serious patience.
I pray daily God changes this. He's working on me.

- Short hair vs Long hair
I love my hair shorter. But I would be lying if I said I didn't really miss my long hair sometimes.

- I hate driving.

-If I could live anywhere other than Nashville, I would live in Florida. There have been serious talks about the future and this idea.


  1. I am so indecisive too – I’m really trying to get better on just going for it because I spend way to much time. I’ve become such a crier lately! So many thing get me emotional! I could eat Chick-Fil-A probably everyday, ha! I so don’t like driving either, at all!

  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm so indecisive too and have a boy name picked out but change my girl name on a weekly basis.

  3. Such a great list, way to own it! I'm very indecisive also..except when it has come to make wedding planning decisions I've been on a roll. I've recently been tearing up at everything, so I'm with you there too. :)
