Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hello Monday! And hellllooooo birthday week! This past weekend was one for the books. After an extremely long and stressful work week, I think we both needed a good weekend with friends and each other.

I had been looking forward to Friday for weeks. I went to see The Longest Ride with Jordyn. This was by far one of my favorite books of Nicholas Sparks, and I felt it had great potential for a movie. And boy, did he nail it. It was SO good.

Saturday was spent doing a little shopping with mom for a birthday cookout I was going to. We snagged these at a local shop, and I'm obsessed.
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Saturday afternoon we headed to the cookout. It was so much fun. Pat and I played Cards against Humanity for the first time. Jayme surprised me with the most precious outfit in the entire world for baby boy. I can't show the front because it has his initials on it, and we are keeping that hush hush for now... but it is still laying on the couch downstairs because it's too cute to put away. She did 0-6 months, so it will fit him ALL of football season. Swoon.

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Thankful that my husband loves these friends as much as I do. And vice versa... They love him like family.

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Sunday was lazy day in the best way. Target run for a few things... After the crazies that went to the Lilly launch of course. I still don't understand that, but to each their own. I did snag a few items of the collection, and I love them! After straightening up the house, we chilled on the couch for the rest of the evening to catch the ACMs. 

Here is to a fast and happy week... because it's my birthday week!!

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