Monday, April 6, 2015


I have been MIA for a few weeks due to work, life, pregnancy, travel, you name it! But for those keeping up, I have done a quick recap of the past 3 weeks on this post! It's a little long, sorry!
19 Weeks
How Far Along: 19 Weeks!!!

Size of Baby: A mango! 6 inches, and about 8.5 oz!

Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!

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Fun Fact: Baby BOY is working on his five senses :)

Movement: Yes, really starting to feel him move this week!! It is so fun!!

Sleep: I am rocking sleep these days!

Workouts: Still getting a few long walks in with some toning exercises.

Maternity Clothes: Still just the jeans! Those things are awesome.

Symptoms: nothing crazy!

Cravings/Aversions: None really

Missing Most: Silly things like brownie batter, ha! But enjoying this time!

Nursery: The nursery is Painted! I repeat, the nursery is PAINTED! Ahhh! I came home to that sweet surprise and couldn't be more excited!

Hubby: He is dying to feel movement. Bless.

Best part of the Week: Still keeping it a secret from the public, but since I am back posting, I can say that knowing we have a sweet baby boy on the way has been the best part of this week!

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Can't Wait For: To tell Pat's family!!!!!

20 Weeks
How Far Along: 20 weeks-- WE ARE HALFWAY, PEOPLE!

Size of Baby: Banana, 10.2 oz, 6.5 inches!

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun Fact: I got the 24 hr stomach bug this week-- while in Seattle. On the prettiest day. It was miserable.

Movement: Feeling him move like crazy! He even gave me a swift kick that startled me so much I gasped and grabbed my father in law's arm! Ha!!

Sleep: Okay sleep since we are in a hotel, but at the cabin I used essential oils for the first time, oh my goodness. I don't know if it was a fluke or what, but after putting the lavender on my wrist, I slept SO good.

Workouts: None since we are in Seattle, but did a lot of walking when I wasn't sick!

Maternity Clothes: Same

Symptoms: Holy Heartburn. I really thought I was dying of a heart attack. And that is no exaggeration, and apparently if you've experienced it before you can totally relate!

Cravings/Aversions: Same

Missing Most: My bed. My dog. Not having the stomach bug. Ha!

Nursery: Not working on it now since we are gone, but full force when we get back!

Hubby: He is having so much fun being surrounded by his uncles. It is fun to watch!

Best part of the Week: The cabin, being in Seattle, feeling baby boy move like crazy!

Can't Wait For: To sleep in my own bed.

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21 Weeks
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How Far Along: 21 Weeks!!!

Size of Baby: A pomegrante! 10.5 inches, 12.5 oz

Gender: Sweet Boy!

Fun Fact: We have come closer to deciding a name this week! We have had one part of the name set in stone, but coming up with the other has been a challenge. Naming a human is tough.

Movement: Yes, yes, yes! He loves from 7-8 in the morning, 3-5 in the afternoon, and 7:30-9 at night.

Sleep: Pretty well

Workouts: Same- especially since this weather has been perfection.

Maternity Clothes: Same

Symptoms: Heartburn is better, thank goodness. Not sure what caused that nonsense.

Cravings/Aversions: None really

Missing Most: Running full force. This weather has me jonesin'

Nursery: Pat's dad ordered our ottoman and chair for us this week! I cannot wait for it to come in.

Hubby: Easter Sunday he finally SAW the baby move! I have tried letting him feel, but I think he is waiting for a huge BAM and its just a very subtle flicker at this point.

Best part of the Week: Talk about a truly humbling experience feeling your baby move on Easter Sunday while singing "Hallelujah, the Lamb of God" surrounded by your husband and closest friends. It was a moment I will never forget.

Also, I realized that Pat's dad also bought us our jogging stroller when looking on our registry. Which humbled me even more and brought the flood of tears. Anyone that really knows our story, knows that his dad has been, well let's say absent, for awhile. And I am so thankful that he loves this baby so much already and wants to be so involved- that far surpasses any gift he could ever give.

Can't Wait For: Everything!!

I'm currently on week 22, so I will recap that later this week. Hopefully.  Kudos to you guys for reading all this!

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