Friday, December 6, 2013

Cheers to a New Year!

Joining a new link-up series. I love link-ups. It is refreshing to do something other than what you are in a routine of doing! Joining several ladies today, you can check out all the hosts at Peach State of Mind! This link up is all about recapping the year 2013, in a not so overwhelming way. What an awesome idea!

This week's focus is on January, February, and March!


Oh my. Does anyone else feel like this was ages ago?!

1. We started our last semester (me)/year (Pat) of college.
2. We officially moved back to TN from school, to commute for the remainder of time there. Thank goodness.
3. We went to Seattle! This was Pat's Christmas present, since he hadn't been home in almost 5 years! We had so much fun, and Seattle is such a cool city to visit.
4. This is also the month I started my weight loss journey. Which I haven't really talked about, but I have wanted to really sit down and lay it all out there. Maybe this link up will be a great way to show my journey!



1. I started running.
2. Nothing much exciting happened in February, other than wedding planning.
3. Oh, I had lost 5 pounds by the end of February. 


1. March was full of group projects and lots of coffee.
2. It was also the first time I had ever ran more than 3 miles. Woohoo. 

I am excited for next week's link up. Those months had a LOT of fun things happening in them!!

Peach State of Mind

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up girlie! I had such a hard time even remembering what I did back in January and February! Link up with us next Thursday! Have a wonderful weekend!
