Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday 5

I've been MIA all week, and crazy busy. Y'all... it is Friday. And it is officially Spring. PRAISE. Since there would be way too much stuff to update on this week, here are my Friday 5 in pictures!


Holla 19 Weeks. You've been fun. Baby is moving a lot, and I love those tiny little flutters. I joke and say it feels like fishies, or like you are on a roller coaster! Excuse the mirror selfie, the husband leaves a lot earlier than I do! [Happy St. Patrick's day like 3 days late]

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Lila and I have been loving this weather earlier in the week! We've knocked out some miles!

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Quotes. Man, I have been loving these three this week. Amen and Amen. After a long bonding session with one of my best friends last Friday, she said something very similar to the "Actions" quote below. It immeadiately applied to a certain relationship I have, and I have been thinking about it ever since!!
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I came across this in my devotional the other day. Sometimes life can be really overwhelming. Or, we let it be. But I love this verse as a daily reminder that He has overcome the world! Grace upon grace, think about that one for a minute.
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Today I bought tickets to the Luke Bryan/FLGALine/Dustin Lynch/ Our dude Thomas Rhett/ and Randy Houser today for the best pre-baby best friend concert ever! Can't wait to watch TR rock Nashville! I also may have done this while stuck behind a train for an hour.

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Have a great weekend everyone! Mine will be spent getting my hair done and spending time with my faves before SEATTLE! 

1 comment:

  1. That concert is going to be amazing!!
    I’m so happy spring is here! Hopefully the temps just keep on rising!
