Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend Recap

Helllllllo freezing Monday.

This weekend flew by way too fast! I was planning on a "do nothing" sort of weekend, and those plans quickly changed.

Friday I had the day off with Lila, she had surgery to remove a mass on her side Thursday. Poor thing was pitiful. She is feeling much better, and chasing toys like there is no tomorrow. Our neighbors [their dog, Lucy] even got her a little treat! Seriously, how thoughtful. It's little things like that that mean the world to me!

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Saturday was off to Christmas Village. I went last year, and honestly didn't really think it was all that people made it out to be. The only reason I went this year was because a few of my girlfriends were going. Company definitely made it worth it! We had so much fun! Here we are minus one girl, red cups and all.

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Sunday I had a wild hair to finally paint. Y'all... picking a color is for the birds. After painting three different spots three different shades of gray, I called it a day and said I would come back to it. I am in desperate need of some paint color suggestions. I'm thinking Revere Pewter from Benjamin Moore? I really want gray, but it just isn't going to match our neutral tones in the decorations.

Tonight we are heading to So You Think You Can Dance show, and I am pretty pumped. I don't have a rhythmic bone in my body, so I love watching people dance!

Happy Monday everyone!

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