Monday, December 1, 2014

The Thanksgiving to Remember

This Thanksgiving was definitely one that I will never forget. We started the morning off with a 5k and some of the best friends. We had so much fun! We even were on the news.

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Side Note:
Cant wait for our annual Rudolph run this Friday with the girls!!
Thanksgiving Day was great until about 5 PM, when we realized that the mantle was on fire. At the time it was just a small flame, and within a matter of seconds the entire TV was engulfed in flames. At first we thought it was just the candle's fault, but after inspection it appeared as though the Direct TV box had a faulty wire. So, regardless of the cause... don't burn candles near TVs and check your cable boxes/outlets. Here's a before shot. You definitely don't want to see our faces after. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and we got my 2 year old little cousin up from his nap and out of the house just in time! My homemade strawberry cake was a HIT though!!

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The rest of the weekend was calm in comparison. We officially have a few lights on the house! Now, let me slowly ease into this week back from a wild 4 day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe the TV caught on fire - that's crazy and scary!! Glad everyone was okay!
