Friday, April 12, 2013

Cue sappy "you're gonna miss this"

I had a thought this morning. And yes, it was before my coffee. Do you ever look back on your life and think of all the BIG moments- you know, the heartbreaks, failures, betrayals by close friends, the moments you thought you'd never see a day small do they seem now? Pretty small. At least they do to me. And the little things.. Like staying up until 4 am laughing or skipping class to go play outside, target & Mexican date night... Those are my big moments. The memories I hope I never forget. Bailey and I made my save the date banner yesterday, and let me tell you... I laughed the entire time. Two very uncrafty people trying to be all Pinterest-y. Hilarious.

In less than 2 weeks I will be 23, my BFF will be a home owner, I graduate in 29 days, my other BFF gets married in 50 days, and I'm getting married in 6 months from today. WHOA. A lot of people knock getting married at this age, and I will admit it does get old- but let me tell you- this time in my life has been more full of tears, frustration, laughter, and joy than any other time in my life. And I have grown so much because of it.

Embrace the little moments. Because they are changing your life whether you realize it or not.

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