Week 16
How Far Along: 16 Weeks!
Size of Baby: An avocado, 4-5 inches and 3.5 oz!
Gender: We have an anatomy scan date! Woohoo!! Most friends and family have cast their vote, some haven't [which is odd, usually everyone is quick to tell you!]. It is fun to hear everyone's guesses.
Fun Fact: Baby can hear me talk and sing in the car. Coincidentally, baby can also smile/frown. I bet he/she is just loving when I listen to the 2000s Pop station.
Movement: None yet, but doctor said I might start feeling something this week [completely okay if I don't though]. I am doing my research on what it will feel like in the early stage!
Sleep: Much better, except last night I had trouble falling back asleep.
Workouts: This Ice/Snow/Frigid temps have put a damper on that this week and last. Looking forward to some sunshine so I can get out and go!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, but I did look this past weekend. I haven't gained any weight yet, so I am waiting until it's an absolute must. So far, living in thick, yoga type leggings.
Symptoms: I love the little bursts of small energy I have!
Cravings/Aversions: None really
Missing Most: Nothing really.
Nursery: We have pretty much picked out what we are doing, just a matter of ordering!
Hubby: The best support system a pregnant girl could ask for. He has been patient when I am [annoyingly] frustrated, caring when I am curled in the fetal position, and riding the happiness wave right there with me.
Best part of the Week: Yesterday I got to spend some time with Gun and Morgan. He looked at me and said "I missed you, sis." That little [almost 3 year old] boy melts my heart. And the fact we are one week closer to finding out if baby is a boy or girl! We finalized our girl names this weekend, and I love it! I think I am having a harder time committing to the boy name because I secretly am thinking baby is a boy.
Can't Wait For: Nursery shopping this weekend/just chilling with Pat [something we haven't done in awhile- we always plan it and then feel lazy so we go, go, go]. & Anatomy scan, duh.
I asked my doctor if I am supposed to do anything during this time, and his response was witty and fairly accurate... "Just grow that baby!"
4-11 Weeks / 12 Weeks / 13 Weeks / 14 Weeks / 15 Weeks
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
This weekend, aside from the weather, was absolutely wonderful! Saturday was rainy and nasty, but we managed to make a pretty great day of it. A few of the girls and I went shopping. We spent about five hours walking around the mall, grabbing lunch, and trying on clothes [I held out, no worries]. I really don't think I have laughed that hard in long time!
When I came home, I realized something was a little off in the house. As in, it was cold. I asked Pat if he had adjusted the heat, which no big deal if he had, and he hadn't. Apparently, our heat had gone out. I texted a friend to see if we could stay with her just in case we couldn't fix it and it got worse. Good news, Pat was able to fix it!
Sunday was the ultimate lazy day. Which was much needed after the 5 hour mall trip. I saw this picture on a blog I follow, and I really don't think it could sum up my weekend/life in the past year more perfectly. Thankful to spend time with those that make my heart and soul more full.
When I came home, I realized something was a little off in the house. As in, it was cold. I asked Pat if he had adjusted the heat, which no big deal if he had, and he hadn't. Apparently, our heat had gone out. I texted a friend to see if we could stay with her just in case we couldn't fix it and it got worse. Good news, Pat was able to fix it!
Sunday was the ultimate lazy day. Which was much needed after the 5 hour mall trip. I saw this picture on a blog I follow, and I really don't think it could sum up my weekend/life in the past year more perfectly. Thankful to spend time with those that make my heart and soul more full.

Friday, February 20, 2015
Friday 5
IcePalooza 2015 is coming to an end. Praise. Friday always has a bit of happiness to it, especially this week when I have only officially worked 2 days!
Baby appointment yesterday. Drum Roll Please: We have an anamtomy scan date! Even better than that, I got to hear the heart beat for an entire minute yesterday. Talk about a flood of emotions. I don't think I have ever experienced anything quite as remarkable. And I know the best is yet to come! I asked my Dr if I could record it, and he said of course! I quickly sent it to just a few close friends and family. I couldn't contain myself. There were a lot of "OMG!" and "I am crying" [from my bff that never cries] and Jo's was my favorite "That is the sweetest sound I have ever heard." Indeed it was! I have told everyone the date of the anatomy scan, to pray that baby cooperates, and more importantly that baby is healthy and happy! Also, I think we are keeping it a secret [from mostly everyone] until we go to Seattle to share with his family. I think it will be neat to enjoy it just us [and a few of our closest friends and family, of course.. like I can keep that secret. Are you kidding?!!!]
I am so tired of all things winter and cold. I am ready for spring. And maternity clothes. Because I hear those are super comfy and awesome. My belly probably won't be showing this much until the last trimester (May/June), but who knows! I lost 5 pounds in the first trimester, and still holding strong at that number... Just waiting for that moment when it all changes! Ha! Bring on maxi skirts and flowy dresses!
And just to lighten everyone's day, I give you this.
Baby appointment yesterday. Drum Roll Please: We have an anamtomy scan date! Even better than that, I got to hear the heart beat for an entire minute yesterday. Talk about a flood of emotions. I don't think I have ever experienced anything quite as remarkable. And I know the best is yet to come! I asked my Dr if I could record it, and he said of course! I quickly sent it to just a few close friends and family. I couldn't contain myself. There were a lot of "OMG!" and "I am crying" [from my bff that never cries] and Jo's was my favorite "That is the sweetest sound I have ever heard." Indeed it was! I have told everyone the date of the anatomy scan, to pray that baby cooperates, and more importantly that baby is healthy and happy! Also, I think we are keeping it a secret [from mostly everyone] until we go to Seattle to share with his family. I think it will be neat to enjoy it just us [and a few of our closest friends and family, of course.. like I can keep that secret. Are you kidding?!!!]
I am so tired of all things winter and cold. I am ready for spring. And maternity clothes. Because I hear those are super comfy and awesome. My belly probably won't be showing this much until the last trimester (May/June), but who knows! I lost 5 pounds in the first trimester, and still holding strong at that number... Just waiting for that moment when it all changes! Ha! Bring on maxi skirts and flowy dresses!

Emily Ley's baby book. I cannot wait to purchase this! I have been holding out way too long, so I have random notes stashed so I don't forget to add anything when I finally get it in April! Picture courtesy of her FB page!

Enough baby talk for now, I am hoping I can maybe sucker Pat into
painting this weekend?! We still have our statement wall and downstairs
foyer and bathroom. Help. Is anyone else horrible at picking paint
colors?! It is just so difficult. I so wish I had that creative eye! I
love love love the gray trend [revere pewter is currently our
downstairs], but I don't know if it really suits us. I am such a neutral
queen. Do you have any absolute faves?!
And just to lighten everyone's day, I give you this.

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Currently | Thursday Thoughts
Mixed emotions. Sadness as Garic's birthday was this week. Man, we miss that guy.. It willbe 4 years since his passing this June. I so wish he was here to be a part of this season. Happiness as my best guy friend from college informed me he and his wife will be moving to Nashville in 6 months! Anxious about all things baby, but in a good way.
Blogs about all things baby. Sense a theme here?!
Listening to:
Bobby Bones Show, because there is nothing better than that crew! They are the bomb.
We finally watched all 3 episodes of Grey's. Oh the heartbreak. Being pregnant makes that story all too real for us. Not going to lie, the last episode found us both teary eyed. But what a beautiful reminder that God is in control no matter what. Oh, and the bachelor. I Love Whitney and Becca. Whitney for the win, Becca for bachelorette.
Thinking about:
All this snow and ice. Where is it going to go?! While I've enjoyed time off *working from home* I need to see people. Thankful to be going back at it today!
Working on:
Two huge accounts at work. One has been two years in the making and I finally caught a break with a very unusual connection! The other is close to be a done deal. Our family could really use this boost if it happens!
My morning smoothie. When I remember to put the lid on and it doesn't go all over the cabinets. Not speaking from experience or anything.
Sunshine. Desperately. Y'all with me on this?!
Excited about:
Doctor's appointment got rescheduled for today! Can't wait to make our anatomy scan appointment!!
What are you guys currently up to?!
Mixed emotions. Sadness as Garic's birthday was this week. Man, we miss that guy.. It willbe 4 years since his passing this June. I so wish he was here to be a part of this season. Happiness as my best guy friend from college informed me he and his wife will be moving to Nashville in 6 months! Anxious about all things baby, but in a good way.
Blogs about all things baby. Sense a theme here?!
Listening to:
Bobby Bones Show, because there is nothing better than that crew! They are the bomb.
We finally watched all 3 episodes of Grey's. Oh the heartbreak. Being pregnant makes that story all too real for us. Not going to lie, the last episode found us both teary eyed. But what a beautiful reminder that God is in control no matter what. Oh, and the bachelor. I Love Whitney and Becca. Whitney for the win, Becca for bachelorette.
Thinking about:
All this snow and ice. Where is it going to go?! While I've enjoyed time off *working from home* I need to see people. Thankful to be going back at it today!
Working on:
Two huge accounts at work. One has been two years in the making and I finally caught a break with a very unusual connection! The other is close to be a done deal. Our family could really use this boost if it happens!
My morning smoothie. When I remember to put the lid on and it doesn't go all over the cabinets. Not speaking from experience or anything.
Sunshine. Desperately. Y'all with me on this?!
Excited about:
Doctor's appointment got rescheduled for today! Can't wait to make our anatomy scan appointment!!
What are you guys currently up to?!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Week 15
Week 15
How Far Along: 15 weeks!
Size of Baby: A navel orange or an apple, 4.5 inches and 2-3 oz!
Gender: Technically, could find out now.. but waiting per doctor's instruction for a few more weeks. I was supposed to have an appointment today to schedule it, but the snow prevented that! Everyone thinks boy that I have asked, but I just have no clue. They say a mom knows, well this mom is seriously 50/50.
Fun Fact: Baby can start to suck his/her thumb!
Movement: None yet!
Sleep: Getting better
Workouts: I ran a mile Sunday, walked two. I was so excited I waved Pat down at the gym to tell him and group texted my friends immediately. Hopefully I will be able to do a little more, just keeping mindful of my heart rate. Due to snow days, we have been pretty lazy so I am looking forward to movement!!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, but even my "jeggings" [don't judge] are getting snug around the waist.
Symptoms: Hello second trimester, I love you. None really, other than a little backache but I will take that over the other any day!
Cravings/Aversions: Still not really wanting chicken unless from Chick Fil A with polynesian sauce. But trying to stay away from unhealthy options as best I can!
Missing Most: Civilization due to being snow/iced in. But other than that, I am starting to enjoy pregnancy because the symptoms have taken a back burner.
Nursery: None yet, but getting super close to making decisions on crib and glider!
Hubby: Felt my belly yesterday since baby bump is in full swing, especially in the mornings! He is so excited. He asked me yesterday what baby books he should read!
Best part of the Week: Getting to chill out for 5 days. However, I am dying to get out of the house! Spending time with friends this past weekend was great. I truly love hanging out with them. They are so excited for all things baby, and it makes my heart so happy to know our baby will be so loved!
Can't Wait For: Anatomy scan. Seriously how do people wait so long!?!!
Until next week!
4-11 Weeks / 12 Weeks / 13 Weeks / 14 Weeks
How Far Along: 15 weeks!
Size of Baby: A navel orange or an apple, 4.5 inches and 2-3 oz!
Gender: Technically, could find out now.. but waiting per doctor's instruction for a few more weeks. I was supposed to have an appointment today to schedule it, but the snow prevented that! Everyone thinks boy that I have asked, but I just have no clue. They say a mom knows, well this mom is seriously 50/50.
Fun Fact: Baby can start to suck his/her thumb!
Movement: None yet!
Sleep: Getting better
Workouts: I ran a mile Sunday, walked two. I was so excited I waved Pat down at the gym to tell him and group texted my friends immediately. Hopefully I will be able to do a little more, just keeping mindful of my heart rate. Due to snow days, we have been pretty lazy so I am looking forward to movement!!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, but even my "jeggings" [don't judge] are getting snug around the waist.
Symptoms: Hello second trimester, I love you. None really, other than a little backache but I will take that over the other any day!
Cravings/Aversions: Still not really wanting chicken unless from Chick Fil A with polynesian sauce. But trying to stay away from unhealthy options as best I can!
Missing Most: Civilization due to being snow/iced in. But other than that, I am starting to enjoy pregnancy because the symptoms have taken a back burner.
Nursery: None yet, but getting super close to making decisions on crib and glider!
Hubby: Felt my belly yesterday since baby bump is in full swing, especially in the mornings! He is so excited. He asked me yesterday what baby books he should read!
Best part of the Week: Getting to chill out for 5 days. However, I am dying to get out of the house! Spending time with friends this past weekend was great. I truly love hanging out with them. They are so excited for all things baby, and it makes my heart so happy to know our baby will be so loved!
Can't Wait For: Anatomy scan. Seriously how do people wait so long!?!!
Until next week!
4-11 Weeks / 12 Weeks / 13 Weeks / 14 Weeks
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Weekending | Snow Days
We are going strong on our 4 day weekend. I think I like the concept of snow days more than the actual snow days. These are Ice Days, as there is hardly any snow and a whole lot of ice. We are beyond bored being stuck in the house for the second day. However, we are breaking out the Nintendo 64 in a bit.
This weekend has been a great one! I am slowly feeling that energy level rising. Praise. Valentine's Day started off with a delicious brunch at Puckett's Downtown. We finished up our VDay morning by swinging by Pottery Barn Kids to stare at the bedding I want!
This weekend has been a great one! I am slowly feeling that energy level rising. Praise. Valentine's Day started off with a delicious brunch at Puckett's Downtown. We finished up our VDay morning by swinging by Pottery Barn Kids to stare at the bedding I want!
I'll let yall guess which plate is mine. [He ate half of mine too!]
Sunday was a huge day for me. I ran a MILE. This may not seem like a huge deal for some, but having to take a break from running due to morning sickness/energy... it sure feels great to run. However, I do have to keep a close eye on my heart rate. But other than that, I could not wait to text my friends after I did it. They know how hard this has been for me! Later that afternoon, I met up with two of my favorites to see a movie! We wore comfy clothes, ate junk food, and had an absolute blast!
And this is how we enjoy IcePalooza 2015... By watching DVR, Netflix, being lazy, and watching Lila play! 15 week Appointment is tomorrow, so hopefully we will set a date for a gender ultrasound!
Friday, February 13, 2015
Friday 5
Happy Friday everyone! If you are anywhere near the eastern side of the country, you are currently experiencing/preparing for a super cold week.
In honor of Valentine's day tomorrow, I figured I would show you a few things that I "love" right now!
one: TV
Our shows are in full swing. Here are some of the ones we love and a few thoughts about them..
- Revenge: While this is on hiatus until March, all I can say is thank goodness the momentum picked back up!
-The Bachelor: Group texts are what make this show so enjoyable. The girls' and I faves are in the top.. We love Whitney and Becca! Also, holla for Ashley I and Kelsey going home. I am pretty excited to see what/how the confrontation unfolds with Britt.
- SVU: Just got renewed for another season, 17th. Geeze. I think I watch this more out of loyalty than anything, ha!
- Chicago PD: If you don't currently watch this, stop what you're doing and watch! It is such a great show. Sophia Bush slays it.
- The Blacklist: We love this show. James Spader is the coolest human ever in it!
- Grey's: I cannot and will not [yet] bring myself to watch the past 3 episodes. My pregnancy hormones cannot handle the April/Jackson situation. Breaks my heart.
- Scandal: Who doesn't love Scandal?! [Team Standing in the Sun, fo sho.]
- HTGAWM: Again, haven't caught up on DVR but I am curious to see where it leads since they found his body. Not sure how I feel about that but I guess that had to drama it up some how? I don't know yet.
two: food
We are on a smoothie kick again in our house. Love my Silk dark chocolate + spinach + blueberry + raspberry + honey/flax seed combo & Silk Unsweetened Vanilla + spinach + banana+ PB2 + honey + flax seed combo. The Bomb. Also, if you haven't tried this... you must. It is such a yummy snack. Forewarning... It does have a bit of an aftertaste but it's so yummy! Also making Spicy Tomato Alfredo tonight... a new fave in our house... yum.
In honor of Valentine's day tomorrow, I figured I would show you a few things that I "love" right now!
one: TV
Our shows are in full swing. Here are some of the ones we love and a few thoughts about them..
- Revenge: While this is on hiatus until March, all I can say is thank goodness the momentum picked back up!
-The Bachelor: Group texts are what make this show so enjoyable. The girls' and I faves are in the top.. We love Whitney and Becca! Also, holla for Ashley I and Kelsey going home. I am pretty excited to see what/how the confrontation unfolds with Britt.
- SVU: Just got renewed for another season, 17th. Geeze. I think I watch this more out of loyalty than anything, ha!
- Chicago PD: If you don't currently watch this, stop what you're doing and watch! It is such a great show. Sophia Bush slays it.
- The Blacklist: We love this show. James Spader is the coolest human ever in it!
- Grey's: I cannot and will not [yet] bring myself to watch the past 3 episodes. My pregnancy hormones cannot handle the April/Jackson situation. Breaks my heart.
- Scandal: Who doesn't love Scandal?! [Team Standing in the Sun, fo sho.]
- HTGAWM: Again, haven't caught up on DVR but I am curious to see where it leads since they found his body. Not sure how I feel about that but I guess that had to drama it up some how? I don't know yet.
two: food
We are on a smoothie kick again in our house. Love my Silk dark chocolate + spinach + blueberry + raspberry + honey/flax seed combo & Silk Unsweetened Vanilla + spinach + banana+ PB2 + honey + flax seed combo. The Bomb. Also, if you haven't tried this... you must. It is such a yummy snack. Forewarning... It does have a bit of an aftertaste but it's so yummy! Also making Spicy Tomato Alfredo tonight... a new fave in our house... yum.
three: music
I never thought I would say this, but I actually like a song that features Kanye. FourFiveSeconds is the jam [mainly because of Rihanna's voice]
Dave Barnes new EP, Hymns for Her, is so sweet and everything I expected it to be. Plus, he replied to my tweet so that's pretty cool. Be still my 16 year old heart.
I may be bias, but be sure to check out Thomas Rhett's version of When I Was Your Man.
four: Preds games
Pat and I enjoyed second row seats to the Preds game last night. I know nothing about hockey, but dang those games are fun! Mike Fisher and I bumped fists, and he also signed a puck for me. Pat got Pekka Rinne's signature, so that was super fun!
five: the hubs
Since it's VD weekend, I will spare the gushy stuff. But the most important love of all, is this one. I am thankful for his patience and encouragement. And seriously cannot wait to watch him be a dad. (I have no idea why these are blurry)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Weekly Update: 14 Weeks
Week 14
How Far Along: 14 weeks! I am officially in the second trimester.
Size of Baby: A lemon, 3.4 inches and 1.5 oz!
Gender: Still too early. I go to the doctor next week to see if he'll let us do it at 18 weeks instead of 20. I have a weird feeling its a girl. I have no clue why!
Fun Fact: Baby has doubled in weight since last week. Which may explain the little belly I woke up with one morning.
Movement: None yet, but I can't wait. Yesterday I felt baby Levi kicking in Morgan's tummy and it was the coolest thing ever!
Sleep: Two great nights of sleep, but I am back into the 3 AM routine. I guess my body is getting ready for baby's clock!
Workouts: 3 miles 3x a week is the plan. However, it is going to be cold tomorrow and Friday. We shall see!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, but getting very close to needing pants!
Symptoms: My lower back has been really sore, which is due to the stretching! I had a tension headache Sunday-Tuesday, but all is well and baby is growing!!!
Cravings/Aversions: Still none really. I have always like crunchy snacks, so I bought some Vanilla Almond Bear Naked granola to munch on. That stuff is the bees knees.
Missing Most: Today is running. This weather is the perfect weather to knock out a 4-5 mile run.
Nursery: Tested out gliders this past week. Pat's dad has offered to gift us one, so I am beyond grateful for that. These baby items add up super quick!
Hubby: Patiently dealing with my moodiness that I try so hard to control!! He does have a wild hair to get a bigger TV for the bedroom, and even though the budget is a little tight, I am seriously contemplating caving in because he's been such a stinking trooper!
Best part of the Week: Baby bump appeared out of nowhere. I sent pics to a few friends that read "If you show anyone this, I will hurt you!" Ha! Totally kidding, but I am in that "did she eat a lot or is that a baby bump?!!!" phase. Preds game tomorrow night, VDay brunch on Saturday.
Can't Wait For: Finding out if baby is a boy or girl! Seattle with Pat. We have planned how we are going to announce the gender, and its so fun. Especially since we can't have everyone here at one time, we are doing one here in Nashville, and one in Seattle.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Weekend Recap
Monday came way too quickly! I am currently working from home due to what I thought was my first ever migraine. Apparently it's common for women who have never had them to get them during pregnancy. But, good news, it appears to just be a serious tension headache. Nothing a little ice and dark rooms can't help!
Friday we vowed to have a night in. Our weekends have been so busy, that we have to schedule time to do nothing. What has happened to us! I whipped up some stuffed peppers, which were heavenly. I spiced it up a little this time around, and whew... the heat was definitely there.
Friday we vowed to have a night in. Our weekends have been so busy, that we have to schedule time to do nothing. What has happened to us! I whipped up some stuffed peppers, which were heavenly. I spiced it up a little this time around, and whew... the heat was definitely there.
Saturdays are my gym day. I do a few weights, and ramp up the treadmill incline. After that, it was off to celebrate Morgan and baby Levi! It may be my sentimental nature, but this lady is a constant reminder of God's perfect timing, friendships in the most unexpected places, and by welcoming new and unfamiliar things... you might just find something truly remarkable. Also, I love that I can literally text her the most ridiculous things (about pregnancy or life) and she will answer without skipping a beat.
Afterward I left to get my hair done. Insert all the happy emojis possible. I sat down, and she already had the color mixed. That's a result of me telling her on Wednesday, "Just surprise me!" And I absolutely love what she did! Pics to come this week!
Sunday was my day of rest. Serious lazy day [alongside tension headache..woohoo].
Stay tuned for my week 14 update!
Friday, February 6, 2015
Friday 5
Happy Friday! My all time favorite day of the week. Here are my Friday ramblings!
I am looking forward to officially moving into the second trimester next week! But with that, comes more impatience. A lot of people I know find out at 15 weeks what the gender is. However, my doctor doesn't like doing this because it literally is a 50/50 shot of being correct. Which I totally get. He looks at the earliest 18 weeks, but officially at 20. Which is the week we go to Seattle. Soooo, a little birdie put in my ear to go a highly reputable place in Nashville that will tell me. To wait it out or not?! [I will more than likely just wait it out... but its oh so hard!!!] To catch up on this fun adventure... check out the progress!
Week 13 // Week 12 // Week 4-11
I started out this pregnancy eating healthy (like normal for us). However, lots of Zofran and morning sicknesses later... You eat what you can stomach. So this turned into to some not so nutritious habits. Nothing terrible, but I know that my body isn't really happy with me. So, on the menu for tonight, one of our faces- Stuffed Bell PeppeRS!

I am looking forward to officially moving into the second trimester next week! But with that, comes more impatience. A lot of people I know find out at 15 weeks what the gender is. However, my doctor doesn't like doing this because it literally is a 50/50 shot of being correct. Which I totally get. He looks at the earliest 18 weeks, but officially at 20. Which is the week we go to Seattle. Soooo, a little birdie put in my ear to go a highly reputable place in Nashville that will tell me. To wait it out or not?! [I will more than likely just wait it out... but its oh so hard!!!] To catch up on this fun adventure... check out the progress!
Week 13 // Week 12 // Week 4-11
I started out this pregnancy eating healthy (like normal for us). However, lots of Zofran and morning sicknesses later... You eat what you can stomach. So this turned into to some not so nutritious habits. Nothing terrible, but I know that my body isn't really happy with me. So, on the menu for tonight, one of our faces- Stuffed Bell PeppeRS!

Recipe found here
Yall. I came across this shea butter lotion at a local boutique, and it is awesome. It smells divine, and it makes this winter skin feel great! It is made by a company called Farmhouse Fresh. Check it out! It is a little pricey, but it's so good!

Valentine's day plans. I have said many times that I am not the biggest fan of VD, but with this being our last one as just the two of us, I feel like we should celebrate a little bit. Lisa, a fellow blogger that I just adore, created a post for great alternatives to the hour long wait at your typical dinner on the holiday. My favorite two: Breakfast and create a tradition. Which, in my mind these go hand in hand. We love brunch, and I am all about traditions. So this year, we are rocking brunch for VD!
I am excited about this weekend. I am going to a baby
shower for Morgan, and getting my hair done. Y'all have no idea how
excited I am to get my hair done. I have a super close bond with my
hairdresser, like we talk during the week, and I am looking forward to
getting to hang out with her for a little bit. And also excited to see
what she has planned for my hair!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Weekly Update: Week 13
Week 13
How Far Along: 13 weeks! Hellllllo Second Trimester. Okay, many people say 13/14 weeks for the beginning of the 2nd, so it may not technically be there yet but I am just ready to be out of my first. So that's my story! Ha!
Size of Baby: A sweet Georgia peach!
Gender: Too early!-- everyone but mom and Jo voting Boy. We have finalized names for each, so I am really excited!
Fun Fact: Baby's head is starting to become more proportionate to the body! And fingerprints are formed! Ah!!
Movement: None yet, but I hear you may feel something within the next couple of weeks.
Sleep: Same, 3 AM and I are quickly becoming BFFs.
Workouts: 3 miles 3x a week. And..... Know I how talked about missing running? I felt some energy coming on this week, so during my walk.... I ran .25 miles! While normally I would be embarrassed, I was so excited I immediately called Jo to tell her! I could've done more, but I don't want to push myself too much.
Maternity Clothes: Officially retired the skinny jeans. I am waiting for warmer weather to purchase clothes.
Symptoms: Trying my best to control the moods, it's hard though. I get frustrated really easily.
Cravings/Aversions: None.. which is so surprising to me.
Missing Most: It might be the hormones, but I am really missing certain friendships. An old close friend [we don't talk anymore] just announced the gender of her sweet baby, and we have been through every stage of life together... it is really hard accepting that we aren't sharing these moments together. I am over the moon for her, just wish things were different.
Nursery: I may or may not have picked out bedding if its a boy. Don't worry, I refrained from purchasing!
Hubby: We are a little depressed from the Seahawks lost, but he's still so excited. He went to try out the glider I want. He suggested us get the bigger one so he can have more room when rocking the baby. Precious.
Best part of the Week: Having our friends over for the Super Bowl. I am also getting my hair done on Saturday for the first time since October. Praise the Lord.
Can't Wait For: So many exciting things coming. Finding out the gender, and our small get together we are having for it. [we aren't doing an official gender reveal, just friends hanging out and celebrating!] Seattle trip for March is mostly planned and vacation in May is planned. More on all those to come :)
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