It is the time old question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? The philosophical debate of a glass half-empty or a glass half-full. Do or can people really change?
If you would have asked me that question before this summer, I would have answered very quickly, and adamantly said No. People don't change. The core of their being, yeah that is probably true. But, I have a different approach to this thought now. This summer has been one full of a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. That statement can literally be applied to all aspects of my life: work, wedding planning, running, friendships, relationships in general, and so much more.
I am notorious for "shutting down" when I am "over something." It is just what I have always done. I put the hand emoji up, and say "no more..... I am done with this.... Let someone else deal with this nonsense" & so on. I am the type of person that always looks for the positive or good in people. Sometimes, this can be my biggest weakness, and at other times it is my biggest strength.
So, what does any of this have to do with changing? I have stated many times that running has changed my life. Not in the way that Jesus has changed my life, but it has changed me. A lot of people, actually most people, do not understand me when I say that. And, I have come to accept that... that is okay.
Running forces you to focus. It forces you to deny what your mind is telling you. It forces you to ignore what everyone else in the world is saying to you or about you. It forces you to never accept "NO" as an option. It forces you to realize, yes-- you CAN do it.
Running has changed the way I approach and handle situations- in every aspect of my life. I no longer shut down and give up. Grant it, there are times when that little voice keeps telling me to, but I am able to overcome it and truly just *let it go*. I have realized that I am moving forward with life, and I want to surround myself with people who want the same, and are willing to do what it takes for progress.
So yeah, maybe people don't really change. But, then again, maybe they do.
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