Bailey- Matron of Honor. She has been my best friend since I was 6 years old and we lived across the street from each other. There aren't many childhood memories I have that don't relate to her somehow- some are quite funny. Ask me almost anything about my life after age 6 and it
probably includes her. I don't know a time when I didn't know her
which is exactly why shes my matron of honor. It was an honor to be a part of her special day and also to have her a part of mine. It is a precious thing to be able to have a friend through every stage of life so far. I can sit here and laugh at the absolutely hilarious conversations we have had about anything and everything, especially "our" movies. So thankful for the many years of laughter, tears, heartache, pain, and joy shared with this one.

Caroline- Maid of Honor. Best friend for 5 years and counting. There are many adjectives that I could use to describe her, practically every quality you look for in a best friend, but I think my favorite is her sincerity. She is the real deal, during the good and bad for either of us. No matter what we are talking about whether its post grad probs, friends, wedding, running, or work... She is constantly making me laugh. And, Yes, I use this picture for everything. 1. Because I love it & 2. That weekend was one of my favorites, ever.

Amy- Bridesmaid. Big Sister. Literally and in Greek Life. She was the first person I met in Chi Omega on the first night of recruitment. I fell in love with her, no joke. Anyone that knows her, understands why. She is the big sister that I never had. I could not imagine my college life without her. Like, I have tried, and it just doesn't work.

Kylah- Bridesmaid. Chi O sister. I met Kylah the first month of being a new member at the St. Jude's Children Hospital trip. It wasn't until the next semester that we became close. Let me tell you, she is honestly one of the greatest people I have ever known. She is one of those friends that you could literally sit and talk to for hours without ever realizing it. Her enthusiasm and excitement for the wedding has been such a blessing to me.

Andrea- Bridesmaid. Co-worker aka co-ruckus maker. I met Andrea the first week at Dillard's and a month later, we wondered how we had gone this long without ever knowing each other. The managers didn't know what to do with us. We would drive aimlessly around BG listening to Gun Powder and Lead like some angry, crazy white girls. I absolutely love the memories I have with this girl. And I seriously think this picture sums up our friendship perfectly.

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