It's FRIDAY!!! Which means, there are only 4 more Fridays until Christmas. Let that joy sink in for a minute!
This is how ready I am for today to be Friday.....
This is how ready I am for today to be Friday.....
"If you're gonna be a homebody, we're gonna have a house party" // Sam Hunt
As our neighbor calls it, it is Paintmeggedon weekend! We are having a few friends over literally all weekend, and we are going to knock this painting party's socks off. We've decided on Revere Pewter [color in the middle, ignore the blue-- they swatch lied], and I finally found a high top table that will fit our awkward dining space! Words cannot express my excitement to get that builder's paint outta here.
Anyone that has had a conversation related to clothes with me knows how much I have wanted a green jacket. I have been eyeing one in particular that was a whopping $110. Haha, No. I went to pick up my mom's birthday present yesterday, and my eyes went straight for the jacket... ON SALE. 70% off. How could I not. They had two left. So, obviously [please excuse my mirror selfie]....
HTGAWM. Real talk: I wasn't sold on the first episode. However, after each episode I have become more and more hooked. I still haven't seen last night's episode, but I had 3 theories until this morning. I added another theory this morning. We are watching it tonight, and I am pumped to see if any of them are right?! IF you haven't seen last night's, what's your theory?!
I have never had White Chicken Chili, but I will definitely be trying it tomorrow. I figured what better way to bribe people to help you than with food?!
These are a few of my favorite things Link Up. If you missed last week's post, check it out here. Come back next Tuesday for Stocking Stuffers Edition!

Happy Weekend Everyone!! On a side note, did anyone else catch the Pitch Perfect 2 preview?!! I immediately sent it to one of my best friends, Jordyn, and told her to mark it in her calander for a girls night!!
Hope you had a fabulous weekend and got to try some chili! There's a place when i was in college that made it over nachos and it was to die for! Cheers to a short week girl! xoxo