Happy Friday, everyone!
I am currently bundled up on the couch with a post-surgery pup, watching a proposal on Kelly and Michael [yes, crying], and somewhat working from home. Yes, the dream.
I don't know about you all, but it feels a lot like Christmas here in Nashville. I am so excited for Thanksgiving, but if it's cold, I am celebrating Christmas. So, I am taking the fall decorations down and bringing out the Christmas tree. I might just be really excited since it's our first Christmas in our new home. Here are some tree ideas that I am loving [gold and white are just a dream]!

I am officially training. Yes, I have said that before, but my back just wouldn't allow it. However, I underestimated my cold gear layers on this cold 21 degree morning. Check back next week for what to wear when it's frigid out! But, here is my absolute life-saver when outside, gotta keep those ears warm y'all:

I have chili in the crockpot, and I am so pumped. I am pretty picky about my chili. However, I found this recipe on Pinterest, and absolutely love it.
This weekend:
Friday- DVRing, wine, and cable knit blanket date with the hubs. [insert praise hand emoji]
Saturday: Decluttering the house. We shall call this "Things that should have gotten lost in the move"
Sat/Sun: Football and Nursery planning. No, not for me. But for a really good friend of mine. The majority of my favorite bloggers are pregnant, and it makes my heart so happy to watch them on this journey. So I love being able to be somewhat knowledgeable about what she's going through.
This was my favorite link up last year. And I am so excited to join this time around! Check back on Tuesday for a few of my favorite things!

We started to put up our Christmas tree!! I love the having Christmas decorations up, it makes me so happy!!