Happy Friday!
The candy bowl is full, our "costumes" are ready, pizza is ordered.
Bring it on, Trick or Treaters!!
Our costumes this year [because Pat is a huge Seahawks fan].
One of my most favorite dips ever.
Can't wait to munch on this tonight.

1 to 2 cans of black beans reduced sodium, strained
1 can of corn, strained
1/2 red onion
1 green or red bell pepper
1 jar of Olive Garden Italian dressing
Mix all together and let chill in the fridge
[I usually put the onion through the processor since some people are scared of chunks of onion]
Becuase in sales, you can't really dress up.
My work costume.
Presenting: Casual Friday
[shoutout to Blue Avenue for my awesome vest]
Weekend fun.
We are heading to our neighbors after trick or treating for pumpkin carving.
Currently accepting ideas for that.
Tomorrow, one of my best friends is coming over to help me with a little somethin' somethin'
that Pat and I have planned. Stay tuned.
Sunday, wheels up to Orlando for the entire week for work.
Because, it's Taylor Swift week.
And you need this album in your life.
Love finding new bloggers to follow!! I have procrastinated big time this year - still need to get candy and finish my husband's costume lol