I can hardly believe that this time last year I was entering my final week before marriage!!
This year has literally flown by.
More on that later.
BUT, I wanted to celebrate this week in different ways.
A lot changes when you get you married, but at the same time, a lot stays the same.
Marriage is the greatest thing I have experienced yet.
It is fun and full of laughter.
It is hard at times, and full of I'm sorrys.
Everyone showers you with advice. And you all know what I am talking about.
You learn.
So here are just some things I have learned [and still learning] since being married:
1. Learn.
Just because you are married, doesn't mean you stop learning each other.
I love that I still learn new things about Pat.
It's fun, and sometimes creates great laughter.
I hope I am always learning new things about him.
2. Communicate.
Your spouse is not a mind reader. What you think is obvious, is not obvious.
If you want something known, say it.
If you want something done, ask for it.
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
3. Fight.
It is normal to fight.
Repeat with me: You are not a failure if you argue.
However, you have to fight fair.
We've learned (and are still learning) to stay away from the "you nevers" and the "you always."
Those are breeding grounds for a nasty and hurtful arguement,
and usually, have nothing to do with why you're upset.
4. Date.
Date nights have quickly become my favorite part of our week.
Even if it is just making a pallet in the middle of the floor and watching Chicago PD with our phones in another room,
do something different than the normal routine.
5. Love.
Learn their love language, and FAST.
Learn how they give love, and learn how they receive it.
This is still a learning process, and its something I have to be very intentional about.
[side note, learning their apology language is also pretty helpful]
We read Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Got Married, by Gary Chapman..
That book taught us in ways we never expected.
6. Sacrifice.
Marriage isn't all roses and butterflies.
[but mostly it is ;)]
Sometimes, it calls for sacrifice.
And sacrifice is not easy and it is not fun.
But, it does bring the greatest reward.
7. Toilet Paper.
It doesn't matter that he puts the toilet paper on the holder the "wrong" way.
It doesn't matter that he dried your clothes on high heat.
It doesn't matter that he tracked mud in the house right after you mopped.
It really doesn't matter that he still cannot make the bed the way you like.
But he tries.
What matters is forgiveness without a grudge, grace without borders, and love without looking back.
Here is to one year of learning, loving, laughing, and lots of moments.
What are some of the things you learned in your first year of marriage?!
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