Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Na na nana, Hey Hey Hey

Shew. How is it already time for a New Year?! I just got used to writing 2015...  For the past few years I have reflected on the past year and looked toward the new year in a different way. I am not big on celebrated NYE, really any holiday that requires me to forego my bedtime. Anyways, I focused on one word that would challenge me, grow me, and make me a better person, wife, daughter, friend (now mom). For 2015, my word was intentional. I wanted to be intentional in all areas of my life, and I failed miserably at times. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I truly believe that word made me grow.

I have thought hard on what I want this next year to bring. I have thought of the obvious answers: joy, strength, prayer, love, focus. But I wanted to get deeper than I had. I wanted this year to not necessarily be focused on a verb or action. I wanted to push myself further than being intentional or loving. So, this year my word is peace. It may sound like a weird choice, and to an extent it kind of is. 2015 has had its challenges. It has been hard. It has also brought me the most joy. If you know me well, you know I have a lot of anxiety. I have anxiety about everything. But mostly decision making. It has always been a struggle for me.

One of my favorite quotes is "Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." The Bible is full of verses regarding peace [Col. 3:15/ Phil 4:6-7 to name a couple], and they are all over my house and office to remind me. But, I want to focus on this one:

So, here is to 2016 and being in the midst of noise, trouble, and hard work, and still be calm in my heart. Here is to be at peace with decisions and have confidence in myself and others. Here's to being attentive to that. Here is to letting the Peace of Christ saturate my life as a person, wife, friend, daughter, and especially as a mom.

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