Little man,
There are a thousand words that come to me when I think of you. You see, I never really envisioned being a "mom". I know I thought that one day I would have kids, but that day was a far, far distant future. And even then, I didn't really know what being a mom looked like or felt like. I don't think anyone does until that time comes. When we found out I was pregnant, it wasn't until that first solid kick did I really, truly realize what was happening to me. God was forming every part of you inside me. Your nose, your laugh, your silly personality, your eyes and legs. Every inch of you was created by Him, and He chose me to protect you. After they laid you on my chest, and I met you for the very first time, I was overwhelmed. Boy, was I overwhelmed with emotions. You were finally here. You were ours. Insert, "oh my gosh, now what do I do?!"
The days that followed were long. Very, very long. They were filled with many tears and many laughs. There were moments when I hit my knees and prayed that God would direct my steps and guide me in this new role. Actually, that happened every day. Those long days turned into short, fleeting months. There were times when I wondered if you would ever sleep any where but my chest. There were (and still are) moments where I wanted to freeze time and soak in every second of what was happening: The first time you rolled over, the first crawl, the first laugh, the first time you smiled back at me, the first time you peed all over my face, the last time you woke in the middle of the night to feed, the last time you would nurse, the last time you would have to sleep on my chest during the day for two hours at a time. And as we are approaching 9 months, I am amazed at how time really does fly. I have learned so much about myself, Patrick, and God's love for us. I have embraced "grace not perfection." I have learned so much about you, too. You are strong. You are determined. You love being held. You are pretty stinkin' cute. You never stop moving, and love to make noise. Your smile and giggle could change the most evil of hearts.
You have my whole heart, Warren bear. Every single inch of my soul loves you. It is a fierce love. It is a painful love. It is the most joyful love. You are everything I never knew I needed. And I am so humbled and grateful to be your mom.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Friday Five
In true Sara fashion, it has been a minute since I have posted. So, keeping it short and sweet, here are a few things I am loving right now!
1. Hot Yoga
As someone who has always been intimated by yoga, and honestly thought it was all "ooo sah + stretching," I can humbly say hot yoga kicks my bottom. I started in efforts to ease my way into working out. Because, let's face it, being a mom is probably the most exhausting (but wonderful) job ever. After 8 consecutive weeks, I can do a push up for the first time in my life. I feel so strong, and I love it. Now, my April goal was to start running. however... I am changing that to May. Asics, here I come.
2. High Times Full On Luon Pant
I used to laugh at the thought of buying Lululemon pants, that is until I bought Lululemon pants. Holy comfort. Not only are they seriously 20x better than Target's leading line (Shoutout, love ya champion) for yoga, they are so much more durable. I have two favorite pairs. The all the right places are the perfect amount of compression, and the High Times full on Luon pant is sooooo comfortable. Next Up: Wunder Under High Waist crop Full On Luon + High Times Full on Luon Crop.

1. Hot Yoga
2. High Times Full On Luon Pant
I used to laugh at the thought of buying Lululemon pants, that is until I bought Lululemon pants. Holy comfort. Not only are they seriously 20x better than Target's leading line (Shoutout, love ya champion) for yoga, they are so much more durable. I have two favorite pairs. The all the right places are the perfect amount of compression, and the High Times full on Luon pant is sooooo comfortable. Next Up: Wunder Under High Waist crop Full On Luon + High Times Full on Luon Crop.
3. Vacation
More pics of these to come (maybe). But, we went to Destin last week. Warren was not a fan of the cold sand and insane waves, so maybe next time we go he will enjoy it more. The sun was only out 1 day, so better luck next time!
4. Hello Lovely Shop
Our family photographer, Christy Wilson, recently opened an online boutique. She has some really cute items! I have been eyeing the Ruffle Tunic, Shoulder Top, and this cute number! Be sure to check her out at

5. 26
I will be 26 on Monday. What?! This past year has just flown by. I have gotten 12 shades of sentimental thinking about my birthday this year. (Not surprising to most.) I have been thinking about my birthday, and how I have had the same people in my life for majority of my birthdays. They have been through the highest highs and lowest lows with me. They have supported me, celebrated me, challenged me, corrected me, and even humbled me. It is an overwhelming feeling when you reflect back on how it really takes a village. And I really love my village. Here is to 26!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Weekend Recap
This weekend was so busy, but so good!
Friday, Jordyn and I had dinner and went to see The Choice. Official review: This is the only movie of Nicholas Sparks in which I had not read the book beforehand. I am kind of glad I didn't. I was really able to get into the story without constantly comparing it to the book. Anyone else guilty of that?! And yes, we matched. Head to toe.
Saturday night we headed out to the preds game. Lots of cheering. Lots of not having a clue what was happening. All in all, super fun.
We were supposed to have 6 month pictures done on Sunday, but we had to reschedule for this weekend.
I am not quite sure how we have a 6 month old, but we do. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much, with literally every ounce of your heart.
Friday, Jordyn and I had dinner and went to see The Choice. Official review: This is the only movie of Nicholas Sparks in which I had not read the book beforehand. I am kind of glad I didn't. I was really able to get into the story without constantly comparing it to the book. Anyone else guilty of that?! And yes, we matched. Head to toe.
Saturday night we headed out to the preds game. Lots of cheering. Lots of not having a clue what was happening. All in all, super fun.
We were supposed to have 6 month pictures done on Sunday, but we had to reschedule for this weekend.
I am not quite sure how we have a 6 month old, but we do. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much, with literally every ounce of your heart.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Owning It/Confessions...
Everyone loves a good "owning it/confessions" post, so here we go!
.... Someone asked me yesterday about Warren's 1st birthday party. L O L. That is 6 months away, and I "can't even." They asked what he gravitates toward (for a theme), and I answered "Lila and the Seahawks." People.
.... I had a huge work victory yesterday. Much needed after a super tough January. I may have done this dance.
.... I am so ready for spring. But I am so not ready to give up leggings.
.... Ben & Jerry's announced making a dairy free ice cream.. HOLLA.
.... Someone asked me yesterday about Warren's 1st birthday party. L O L. That is 6 months away, and I "can't even." They asked what he gravitates toward (for a theme), and I answered "Lila and the Seahawks." People.

.... I had a huge work victory yesterday. Much needed after a super tough January. I may have done this dance.

.... I am so ready for spring. But I am so not ready to give up leggings.
.... Ben & Jerry's announced making a dairy free ice cream.. HOLLA.
.... That is all for now. Time to get back to work before the weekend and date night with the hubs!
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday Faves
I'm taking a quick "brain break" at work, and figured why not show what I am loving right now?!
Have you been to Target's home section lately?! Helllooooooo swoon. I want it all.
Have you been to Target's home section lately?! Helllooooooo swoon. I want it all.
I finally bought a planner. Erin Condren was offering 15% off, plus a few freebies. So, I went with the Life Planner. We will see how I like it!
Photo Courtesy of
I have never been more excited for the weekend. I am getting my hair done with my mom on Saturday. I am leaving my phone in the other room all weekend, because I need a break! And I can't stand being with my phone all the time. Sometimes you just need to disconnect. It is good for the soul.
Speaking of weekend, I feel a repeat Lasagna soup recipe and Chicago Fire binge watch coming on. Check last weeks post for that awesome recipe!! SOO good.
Photo: Pinterest
This morning, Warren swatted my favorite mug out of my hand and broke it into a million little pieces. So, I am on the hunt to replace it. And I love this entire collection from Anthropologie. So cute!!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
It's been a quick minute since I have done a currently post [ahem, last February... oops], so here goes nothing!
Exhausted. Since starting back to work, I am slammed. But, I am excited to be back.
About to start The Choice. My girl, Jordyn, and I are going to continue our Nicholas Sparks movie going tradition and see the movie when It comes out!
Listening to:
The baby monitor... Lol, real life. Break on Me by Keith Urban, yes. Just yes.
Chicago Fire. Hellllooo where I have I been this whole time?! We started watching season 1, and have made it to the beginning of Season 3 now. Love this show! Also, watching the Bachelor. Olivia is a Chi O. Soooo there's that.
Thinking about:
A nap. Can I get an Amen?!
Working on:
This huge account that has me going cross eyed!
My sweet baby boy. He will be Six months in just a few days, and I am not sure how this has happened!
The Beach. Cannot wait to take Warren this summer!
Excited about:
This year. There are so many things I am looking forward to! Stay tuned :)
Exhausted. Since starting back to work, I am slammed. But, I am excited to be back.
About to start The Choice. My girl, Jordyn, and I are going to continue our Nicholas Sparks movie going tradition and see the movie when It comes out!
Listening to:
The baby monitor... Lol, real life. Break on Me by Keith Urban, yes. Just yes.
Chicago Fire. Hellllooo where I have I been this whole time?! We started watching season 1, and have made it to the beginning of Season 3 now. Love this show! Also, watching the Bachelor. Olivia is a Chi O. Soooo there's that.
Thinking about:
A nap. Can I get an Amen?!
Working on:
This huge account that has me going cross eyed!
My sweet baby boy. He will be Six months in just a few days, and I am not sure how this has happened!
The Beach. Cannot wait to take Warren this summer!
Excited about:
This year. There are so many things I am looking forward to! Stay tuned :)
Friday, January 15, 2016
Friday 5
Happy Friday! Here is a [mostly] non-Warren related post about 5 things I am loving right now!
I have been given the go-ahead to change our master bedroom paint (nasty, easily stand by barely touching, standard beige, ick) and get a new duvet! Currently we are rocking a printed one from Pottery Barn, but I am really interested in white with a darker wall? Thoughts?!
I have been given the go-ahead to change our master bedroom paint (nasty, easily stand by barely touching, standard beige, ick) and get a new duvet! Currently we are rocking a printed one from Pottery Barn, but I am really interested in white with a darker wall? Thoughts?!
Picture courtesy of West Elm.
[ two.]
Maybe I told a fib about not talking about Warren. We are attempting baby-led weaning. Aka, letting him eat people food, not pureed food. I have talked with a few of my favorite bloggers, and they have given me tons of tips on what worked for them. Last weekend, we tried banana, and it was so much fun. I think we are trying some avocado this weekend! He's only 5 months, so I am not rushing it. But this boy is super interested in everything we put in our mouths! Has anyone tried this? Success? Failures?! Let a mama know.
I've been searching for a good [dairy free] soup recipe for this weekend, and I found one over at one of my favorite blogger's site. Lasagna soup. Yummmm. I just can't add the cream or cheese to mine, but I think the hubs will love this!
We are having a much needed date night this weekend. However, I kind of just want to binge Netflix and start Making a Murderer. We can still get a baby sitter for that, right?!

Just an update on our life...
We're moving. Haha, just kidding. Sort of.
Pat and I have been talking since we got married about building a house.
However, if you were like us and got married in the worst housing
market year ever (slightly joking), there was NOTHING available. So,we
decided to wait on that dream, and after almost 6 months, we found our
first home. We love it. However, we are ready to build. This year we
will be saving and looking for land.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Na na nana, Hey Hey Hey
Shew. How is it already time for a New Year?! I just got used to writing 2015... For the past few years I have reflected on the past year and looked toward the new year in a different way. I am not big on celebrated NYE, really any holiday that requires me to forego my bedtime. Anyways, I focused on one word that would challenge me, grow me, and make me a better person, wife, daughter, friend (now mom). For 2015, my word was intentional. I wanted to be intentional in all areas of my life, and I failed miserably at times. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I truly believe that word made me grow.
I have thought hard on what I want this next year to bring. I have thought of the obvious answers: joy, strength, prayer, love, focus. But I wanted to get deeper than I had. I wanted this year to not necessarily be focused on a verb or action. I wanted to push myself further than being intentional or loving. So, this year my word is peace. It may sound like a weird choice, and to an extent it kind of is. 2015 has had its challenges. It has been hard. It has also brought me the most joy. If you know me well, you know I have a lot of anxiety. I have anxiety about everything. But mostly decision making. It has always been a struggle for me.
One of my favorite quotes is "Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." The Bible is full of verses regarding peace [Col. 3:15/ Phil 4:6-7 to name a couple], and they are all over my house and office to remind me. But, I want to focus on this one:
So, here is to 2016 and being in the midst of noise, trouble, and hard work, and still be calm in my heart. Here is to be at peace with decisions and have confidence in myself and others. Here's to being attentive to that. Here is to letting the Peace of Christ saturate my life as a person, wife, friend, daughter, and especially as a mom.
I have thought hard on what I want this next year to bring. I have thought of the obvious answers: joy, strength, prayer, love, focus. But I wanted to get deeper than I had. I wanted this year to not necessarily be focused on a verb or action. I wanted to push myself further than being intentional or loving. So, this year my word is peace. It may sound like a weird choice, and to an extent it kind of is. 2015 has had its challenges. It has been hard. It has also brought me the most joy. If you know me well, you know I have a lot of anxiety. I have anxiety about everything. But mostly decision making. It has always been a struggle for me.
One of my favorite quotes is "Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." The Bible is full of verses regarding peace [Col. 3:15/ Phil 4:6-7 to name a couple], and they are all over my house and office to remind me. But, I want to focus on this one:
So, here is to 2016 and being in the midst of noise, trouble, and hard work, and still be calm in my heart. Here is to be at peace with decisions and have confidence in myself and others. Here's to being attentive to that. Here is to letting the Peace of Christ saturate my life as a person, wife, friend, daughter, and especially as a mom.
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