I love Easter weekend. It is such a beautiful reminder that "It is Finished." I have taken a blogging hiatus for a few weeks, for many reasons that maybe I will share eventually. However, I have learned something this Lent season. I have learned that I need to let go. I need to let my Type-A, I am always right, Anxious self take a back seat and let go. I need to let go of the lies that fill our heads constantly. I need to let go of the stress that I allow consume me daily. I need to let go of the people that consistently make me shake my head, and wonder how on earth they just don't get it. I need to let go of trying to understand why friends say one thing and do another. I need to let go of always wanting to fix everything. Despite all of this, this messy and crazy life I live, Jesus finished it for me. He took all of the depravity, the sin, the struggles, the tears, the mess, and turned it into a beautiful inheritance that is imperishable [enduring or occurring forever], undefiled [pure, having no fault, without sin], and unfading [not losing value or effectiveness].

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