I love the idea of this link up! Shoutout to Christina for such a fun idea. Here's to Owning It & claiming your crazy.
- pregnancy brain is real.
And I have it full force. I used to be a great texter, meal planner, house cleaner, sales manager, and morning person.... Now you're lucky if I remember my phone when I walk out the door and get out of said door before 8. I've made three lists for Florida, and lost all three of them. Help. I've heard it doesn't go away after baby is born.
- I'm so indecisive.
It's bad. It drives my husband nuts. I am working on it. I swear. You should've seen us when trying to name our baby boy. (Monogram is already on an outfit, so hes stuck with it!) good news, I picked my wedding dress and nursery theme after the first thing I picked out. I'm not completely whacky.
- I am a crier.
This is no surprise to anyone. Sweet commercial? I'm crying. Moving song on? I'll cry. Forget watching soldiers coming home. However, I rarely cry when I am sad. I do cry when I'm really mad though. Owning it, right!?
- I hate seafood.
If it swims, I'm not eating it. I wish I could, but I just can't.
- I'm dying to get hardwood floors.
However, I know that constantly seeing every speck will drive me nuts.
- I cannot resist ChickFilA.
Even with morning sickness and meat aversion, chicken from there was all I could.
- I lack serious patience.
I pray daily God changes this. He's working on me.
- Short hair vs Long hair
I love my hair shorter. But I would be lying if I said I didn't really miss my long hair sometimes.
- I hate driving.
-If I could live anywhere other than Nashville, I would live in Florida. There have been serious talks about the future and this idea.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I'm gonna make this place your home
One year. It's been one whole year since we began the journey of making a house our home. We had no idea that beginning the moving in process on April 28, 2014 that our lives would change in ways we never imagined. I was so excited on that day. I had no idea what these four walls had in store for us. I couldn't have dreamed it even if I tried.
Five days after we began the moving in process, our sweet Hersh would pass away. The heartache, that is very much still here today, was something that we knew would happen soon. However, we were hoping she'd make it to the house first. That was our goal, get Hersh to the new house. God had a much better plan in mind. This way, our home would never be associated with that very traumatic morning, but only of her running around like crazy sniffing every new corner.
We have had laughs, tears, growing pains, get togethers, and everything in between in this house.. Friends and family have barred their soul on our couch, laughed in our kitchen, melted the hot dog bun wrappers on the grill. We've cooked (and burned) so many meals, and learned to fix things we accidentally broke. We have grown leaps and bounds. We have weathered the storms, literally and figuratively. We created a life in this house. TMI? Sorry. We've told most of those same friends and family in this house that we were expecting, as well as revealing the gender. No one knocks at our house.. Everyone just walks in. Well those that know Lila do at least. Otherwise they may not get a pleasant greeting. Most friends have certain spots they always sit in.
In just one year, we've experienced so much life and love in this house. We made the house at 1026 a home. While nothing will replace the first year in your first home, I have a feeling this next year will be full of some pretty great times.
Five days after we began the moving in process, our sweet Hersh would pass away. The heartache, that is very much still here today, was something that we knew would happen soon. However, we were hoping she'd make it to the house first. That was our goal, get Hersh to the new house. God had a much better plan in mind. This way, our home would never be associated with that very traumatic morning, but only of her running around like crazy sniffing every new corner.
We have had laughs, tears, growing pains, get togethers, and everything in between in this house.. Friends and family have barred their soul on our couch, laughed in our kitchen, melted the hot dog bun wrappers on the grill. We've cooked (and burned) so many meals, and learned to fix things we accidentally broke. We have grown leaps and bounds. We have weathered the storms, literally and figuratively. We created a life in this house. TMI? Sorry. We've told most of those same friends and family in this house that we were expecting, as well as revealing the gender. No one knocks at our house.. Everyone just walks in. Well those that know Lila do at least. Otherwise they may not get a pleasant greeting. Most friends have certain spots they always sit in.
In just one year, we've experienced so much life and love in this house. We made the house at 1026 a home. While nothing will replace the first year in your first home, I have a feeling this next year will be full of some pretty great times.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Weekend Recap
Well, we celebrated 25 with a bang! I had so much fun spending time with these people. [Not pictured: My husband and our friend Steven. How did I manage not to take a picture with Pat?!!] We celebrated at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, then off to Lauren's house to watch the Preds play. Thankful for these people.
Since Saturday was my birthday, Pat surprised me by putting the crib together. And it is just too exciting not to share!
Since Saturday was my birthday, Pat surprised me by putting the crib together. And it is just too exciting not to share!
Funny story: everytime I get up to use the bathroom during the night, this is what I come back to. Someone loves my pregnancy pillow.
Now the only thing standing in the way of Pat, myself, and nine days at the beach are THREE MORE DAYS of TN.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
24 Weeks
How Far Along: 24 Weeks. My app told me 15 weeks to go. Ahhh!!
Size of Baby: A cantaloupe. For some reason, that makes me giggle. About 1.25 pounds and 12".
Gender: Sweet baby BOY!
Movement: Moving and grooving. Jordyn got to feel him move while we were at the movie last Friday!! Movements are getting stronger.
Sleep: Sleep is going well.
Workouts: Same, walks and toning. I have to take little breaks on long walks because of my hips, ha!!
Maternity Clothes: Same- living in maxis right now
Symptoms: A little bout of heartburn, but all is well! Also woke up with my first pregnancy Charlie Horse. Man oh man.
Cravings/Aversions: Same
Missing Most: This week, a strawberry marg for my bday. But, I think I can manage :)
Nursery: Dying to put the crib together!! Hopefully this weekend? Since next weekend we'll be in DESTIN!
Hubby: Getting me a prenatal massage for my birthday. He wins.
Best part of the Week: Planning my shower last night with Jordyn. I am so excited!!
Can't Wait For:My birthday Saturday. Still haven't ironed out the details, but I am just happy to spend time with my people!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Weekend Recap
Hello Monday! And hellllooooo birthday week! This past weekend was one for the books. After an extremely long and stressful work week, I think we both needed a good weekend with friends and each other.
I had been looking forward to Friday for weeks. I went to see The Longest Ride with Jordyn. This was by far one of my favorite books of Nicholas Sparks, and I felt it had great potential for a movie. And boy, did he nail it. It was SO good.
Saturday was spent doing a little shopping with mom for a birthday cookout I was going to. We snagged these at a local shop, and I'm obsessed.
Saturday afternoon we headed to the cookout. It was so much fun. Pat and I played Cards against Humanity for the first time. Jayme surprised me with the most precious outfit in the entire world for baby boy. I can't show the front because it has his initials on it, and we are keeping that hush hush for now... but it is still laying on the couch downstairs because it's too cute to put away. She did 0-6 months, so it will fit him ALL of football season. Swoon.
I had been looking forward to Friday for weeks. I went to see The Longest Ride with Jordyn. This was by far one of my favorite books of Nicholas Sparks, and I felt it had great potential for a movie. And boy, did he nail it. It was SO good.
Saturday was spent doing a little shopping with mom for a birthday cookout I was going to. We snagged these at a local shop, and I'm obsessed.
Thankful that my husband loves these friends as much as I do. And vice versa... They love him like family.
Sunday was lazy day in the best way. Target run for a few things... After the crazies that went to the Lilly launch of course. I still don't understand that, but to each their own. I did snag a few items of the collection, and I love them! After straightening up the house, we chilled on the couch for the rest of the evening to catch the ACMs.
Here is to a fast and happy week... because it's my birthday week!!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
23 Weeks
How Far Along: 23 Weeks. What?! How is this possible!!
Size of Baby: A large Mango/Grapefruit. These comparisons make me laugh! 11.5 in, and about 1.1 pounds!
Gender: Sweet baby BOY!
Movement: He is moving so much more this week. Well, I guess I feel him more! Mom and Pat both got to see him move AND feel him!! He loves music in the car.
Sleep: Sleep is going well.
Workouts: This rain needs to go away, I miss walks with Lila in the afternoons. Plus, working late all week has really stretched me thin!
Maternity Clothes: Same- living in maxis right now
Symptoms: None really, other than your typical lower back pain and ever growing belly, and a little heartburn every so often. But feeling him move really makes it seem like no biggie.
Cravings/Aversions: Same
Missing Most: Nothing really!
Nursery: Crib has arrived :) It is currently sitting at our office warehouse just trying to figure out how to get that big box home and put together!!! Crib party? I think so. It's just too exciting.
Hubby: Finally at peace since he got to feel him move! He won't let me do anything though, which has been frustrating yet nice at the same time. Even though I can handle it, he's just so overprotective!! Ha!! Just let me do the laundry.... please!!!
Best part of the Week: Feeling a good ole jab to the rib cage after a long day :) No, seriously.
Can't Wait For: The weekend is near, yall. Tomorrow Jo and I are going to see The Longest Ride. I cannot wait!!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Weekend Recap
Hello Monday. This week is going to be a crazy one for me, with lots of extra hours after work. I recently snagged a huge new customer, and we are having to do a lot for them after they are closed. It's okay, though. In two weeks I will be celebrating my birthday, and then the week after on the beach. So I can't really complain.
This weekend was great. Friday night we had originally planned on going separate ways, but ended up heading out to chuy's for a date night!
Saturday was spent with Mom. We grabbed lunch at the always delicious, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, and then headed to a bridal shower. I also snagged a cute little tray for my table while out and about!
Sunday was the epitome of relaxation. Pat and I hung out around the house, and soaked up all the sunshine we could. Thank you, hammock.
Here's to a long week!
This weekend was great. Friday night we had originally planned on going separate ways, but ended up heading out to chuy's for a date night!
Saturday was spent with Mom. We grabbed lunch at the always delicious, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, and then headed to a bridal shower. I also snagged a cute little tray for my table while out and about!
Sunday was the epitome of relaxation. Pat and I hung out around the house, and soaked up all the sunshine we could. Thank you, hammock.
Here's to a long week!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
22 Weeks
Size of Baby: A spaghetti squash or papaya-- those seem very different to me, but oh well, 10.5 inches, ONE. WHOLE. POUND. For some reason that really excites me.
Gender: Sweet baby BOY!
Fun Fact: His sweet little facial features are becoming more distinct! He sleeps about 12-14 hours a day. Lucky.
Movement: Still feeling him more and more! I can't wait for Pat to feel him move.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well, I think I am going to break down and buy a pregnancy pillow this weekend. My two pillows I've rigged just aren't cutting it anymore.
Workouts: Loving this warm weather and walks with the pup!
Maternity Clothes: Same- living in maxis right now
Symptoms: None really, other than your typical lower back pain and ever growing belly. But I will gladly take that :)
Cravings/Aversions: Same
Missing Most: I really miss running. I find myself envying women that can knock down the miles while pregnant, but that is okay. I have my whole life to run!
Nursery: Crib is ordered and on the way. Chair and ottoman are ordered and on the way. Now we have to order the dresser!
Hubby: Is getting some very much needed "guy" time this week. Apparently that entails shooting guns. Whatever makes him happy, ha! So Friday night will be a much needed girls night, aka me and Lila. And Saturday, while they are taking the carry class, it's time to be productive!
Best part of the Week: Knowing that tomorrow is Friday. Also, coming home to our BOB Stroller! I squealed with excitement. Would it be weird to push it around the neighborhood without a baby? Yes, probably.
***side note-- you may think it's odd that we are already getting a stroller and other things this soon, but I created my registry a little early so Pat's family could be involved in the process and have stuff here before the shower since they cannot come! That was important to them!
Can't Wait For: My glucose test. Sike. I hear its awful, and then I hear it's not that bad. But, happy late bday to me?!! Also looking forward to celebrating my birthday this year. I'll 25 on the 25th, celebrating with my favorites!
Monday, April 6, 2015
I have been MIA for a few weeks due to work, life, pregnancy, travel, you name it! But for those keeping up, I have done a quick recap of the past 3 weeks on this post! It's a little long, sorry!
19 Weeks
Size of Baby: A mango! 6 inches, and about 8.5 oz!
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!
Fun Fact: Baby BOY is working on his five senses :)
Movement: Yes, really starting to feel him move this week!! It is so fun!!
Sleep: I am rocking sleep these days!
Workouts: Still getting a few long walks in with some toning exercises.
Maternity Clothes: Still just the jeans! Those things are awesome.
Symptoms: nothing crazy!
Cravings/Aversions: None really
Missing Most: Silly things like brownie batter, ha! But enjoying this time!
Nursery: The nursery is Painted! I repeat, the nursery is PAINTED! Ahhh! I came home to that sweet surprise and couldn't be more excited!
Hubby: He is dying to feel movement. Bless.
Best part of the Week: Still keeping it a secret from the public, but since I am back posting, I can say that knowing we have a sweet baby boy on the way has been the best part of this week!
Can't Wait For: To tell Pat's family!!!!!
20 Weeks
Size of Baby: Banana, 10.2 oz, 6.5 inches!
Gender: Sweet baby BOY!
Fun Fact: I got the 24 hr stomach bug this week-- while in Seattle. On the prettiest day. It was miserable.
Movement: Feeling him move like crazy! He even gave me a swift kick that startled me so much I gasped and grabbed my father in law's arm! Ha!!
Sleep: Okay sleep since we are in a hotel, but at the cabin I used essential oils for the first time, oh my goodness. I don't know if it was a fluke or what, but after putting the lavender on my wrist, I slept SO good.
Workouts: None since we are in Seattle, but did a lot of walking when I wasn't sick!
Maternity Clothes: Same
Symptoms: Holy Heartburn. I really thought I was dying of a heart attack. And that is no exaggeration, and apparently if you've experienced it before you can totally relate!
Cravings/Aversions: Same
Missing Most: My bed. My dog. Not having the stomach bug. Ha!
Nursery: Not working on it now since we are gone, but full force when we get back!
Hubby: He is having so much fun being surrounded by his uncles. It is fun to watch!
Best part of the Week: The cabin, being in Seattle, feeling baby boy move like crazy!
Can't Wait For: To sleep in my own bed.
21 Weeks
Size of Baby: A pomegrante! 10.5 inches, 12.5 oz
Gender: Sweet Boy!
Fun Fact: We have come closer to deciding a name this week! We have had one part of the name set in stone, but coming up with the other has been a challenge. Naming a human is tough.
Movement: Yes, yes, yes! He loves from 7-8 in the morning, 3-5 in the afternoon, and 7:30-9 at night.
Sleep: Pretty well
Workouts: Same- especially since this weather has been perfection.
Maternity Clothes: Same
Symptoms: Heartburn is better, thank goodness. Not sure what caused that nonsense.
Cravings/Aversions: None really
Missing Most: Running full force. This weather has me jonesin'
Nursery: Pat's dad ordered our ottoman and chair for us this week! I cannot wait for it to come in.
Hubby: Easter Sunday he finally SAW the baby move! I have tried letting him feel, but I think he is waiting for a huge BAM and its just a very subtle flicker at this point.
Best part of the Week: Talk about a truly humbling experience feeling your baby move on Easter Sunday while singing "Hallelujah, the Lamb of God" surrounded by your husband and closest friends. It was a moment I will never forget.
Also, I realized that Pat's dad also bought us our jogging stroller when looking on our registry. Which humbled me even more and brought the flood of tears. Anyone that really knows our story, knows that his dad has been, well let's say absent, for awhile. And I am so thankful that he loves this baby so much already and wants to be so involved- that far surpasses any gift he could ever give.
Can't Wait For: Everything!!
I'm currently on week 22, so I will recap that later this week. Hopefully. Kudos to you guys for reading all this!
Friday, April 3, 2015
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Love Humbly

I love Easter weekend. It is such a beautiful reminder that "It is Finished." I have taken a blogging hiatus for a few weeks, for many reasons that maybe I will share eventually. However, I have learned something this Lent season. I have learned that I need to let go. I need to let my Type-A, I am always right, Anxious self take a back seat and let go. I need to let go of the lies that fill our heads constantly. I need to let go of the stress that I allow consume me daily. I need to let go of the people that consistently make me shake my head, and wonder how on earth they just don't get it. I need to let go of trying to understand why friends say one thing and do another. I need to let go of always wanting to fix everything. Despite all of this, this messy and crazy life I live, Jesus finished it for me. He took all of the depravity, the sin, the struggles, the tears, the mess, and turned it into a beautiful inheritance that is imperishable [enduring or occurring forever], undefiled [pure, having no fault, without sin], and unfading [not losing value or effectiveness].

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