Monday, March 2, 2015


Monday has quickly approached again. However, it's JOY week! If you don't listen to the Bobby Bones Show, then you're missing out. It's their anniversary week here in Nashville, and they devote an entire week for artists to come and play, all while spreading the message of joy no matter what. What a great reminder on a Monday! 

I've quickly realized I don't take near as many pictures anymore. Ha! This weekend was full of quality time with the hubs. The past few weekends I have been running around like crazy with the girls, so we needed us time! We work together, so sometimes you forget that you haven't had actually quality time that doesn't consist of work or weeknights! 

Friday night we caught up on some of our shows. Um, excuse me How To Get Away With Murder!?! Like what in the world!? I haven't had a show leave me speechless in a long time. You go Shonda. 

Saturday, we finally got out heat fixed! Praise. Apparently, the guy who did our duct work decided to try a different way of doing it. After they fixed our botched duct work, we now have a lot more airflow! We hit the gym, it felt so good to get back at it after this awful weather. I had lunch with mom, and we grabbed a few necessities at Target. Then, the "fun" (aka somewhat stressful) began. Pat and I started our registry!!! I want to get some of it done before we go to Seattle. We had so much fun deciding on a crib and chair, and other exciting things! I still cannot believe this is real life! 

Sunday I ran again. Woohoo! And the most exciting part of the entire weekend, as I was laying in bed that morning I felt our little baby move for the very first time! I knew what it was because it is exactly like they describe it. I ran downstairs to tell Pat, and his face lit up. 

So, here's to a joyful and busy week! Do something nice for a friend, family member, or even a stranger this week! 

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