Second Annual Rudolph Run with the best friends a gal could ask for. Come rain or more rain, we will don our favorite Christmas clothes, and sing loud for all to hear to spread some Christmas cheer. I love that my friends share the same love [obsession] for Christmas! And fun 5ks. I guess that is cool too! Here we are last year. This year's ensembles feature light up accessories. Get. Pumped. Oh, and Mexican afterward. Does it get any better than this?! Nope.
This girl. I saw her for the first time in what felt like ages, but was really just a month. We try to get together at least twice a month, but sometimes with our crazy schedules, we can only do it once! We can literally just sit and talk for hours, and that is what I treasure most about our friendship. I love that she pushes me, strengthens me, encourages me, and doesn't hesitate to laugh at me and with me.[side note: this pic is from awhile ago]
Every year I get an ornament that is significant of something that happened this year. This year we decided on the one below to celebrate buying our first home!!
If you haven't heard this song, you definitely need to listen to it. By far one of my faves of Ed. But, I heard this girl do Stay With Me cover on XM Radio. Holy Toledo it was magical. Even more magical, is this version of Ed's song. I love it.
I am currently looking for a devotional. Has anyone read this? I have heard good things about it! Let me know if you have one that you really enjoy!!

Hope everyone has a happy, happy Friday!!!
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