Friday, June 20, 2014

Five on Friday: Running in the Heat

So, I have been thinking of posting this for awhile, and now seems like a great time.
I have been running for about a year and a half now.
It doesn't get easier, you just get better.
But, y'all... this heat/humidity combo needs to chill.
I am no expert.
I read a lot of magazines and blogs on what works for people, and what doesn't.
And then I find out for myself. 
I think every one is different.
Here are a few tips I have found helpful for running in general and especially in this heat.
Feel free to add or give a different opinion.
I love hearing about what other runners find that works for them!

summer running

1. Clothing. Wear clothing that makes sense for the weather you are going to run in. If it is 75 degrees, and about 75% humidity-- you might want to shed some heavy clothing. Keep it light. Stay away from materials like cotton when running. Cotton retains moisture causing you to tire more quickly. Go for clothing options that are wicking. I prefer compression shorts to run in. I find "Norts" are uncomfortable for running and chaff your skin. Compression shorts are designed to pull moisture from your skin to keep you as cool as possible.

2. Shoes. I can not stress enough how important it is to wear the right shoes. I love Asics. However, these shoes are not for everyone. My running partner loves her Brooks. My best friend runs in Nike Frees. I can't wear Frees, they literally kill my legs and back. But, they work perfectly for her. So, the best advice I can give is to go to a local running store (Not a sports store), and ask to be fitted. They will not judge you, and you aren't expected to purchase right then, as shoes can be pricey. But, at least you will know more about your stride, how you land on your feet, and they can provide the right options.

3. Apps. While everyone wants a fancy sports watch, like Garmin, those can be pricey. And if you are just starting out, that's a mighty investment. So I recommend two apps: WeatherChannel and Nike Running. Both are free and provide you with everything you'll need to get out the door.

4. Hydrate. No really, hydrate. Your body literally works twice as hard to run when you aren't properly hydrated-- especially in the heat. Hydrate really well the day before a run, and especially after. If you plan to run for longer than 30 minutes outside, which most of my runs are, then map out your course to have water near by. I map my run to the local park which has a water fountain. On my long runs during training, sometimes I will go drop a water bottle off at mile 8-9.

5. Don't be afraid to take it slow. Heat alone is one thing, but humidity adds a whole new element to running outside. Slow down a little on your pace. But most of all, have fun running!! It doesn't have to be awful. Find a good friend, and hit the trail!

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