Spicing this Five on Friday up a little bit.
In celebration of my best friend's 24th birthday,
here are 5 reasons why I absolutely love her.
1. She was my Maid of Honor.
This is no small task.
She took on a major role to make sure I had the best day ever.
From helping me address invitations to listening to me laugh/cry/vent on a daily basis.
She even photographed my actual engagement.
Last year wasn't an easy ride for her, and no matter what, she put a smile on and supported me.
Being a best friend isn't about what you "do" for the other.
It's about who you
are to the other.

2. We always match.
From music, clothes, ideas, blogs, conversations...
We are always saying the same thing.
This may seem like a shallow reason to love your best friend, but...
It is nice to know you can go to someone and know they will just get you.
No. Matter. What.
And you can expect us to show up wearing the same thing..
It's like having a twin, minus the looks part.
3. She is the sister I never had.
Speaking of twins, she really is like a sister.
There isn't much about my life that she doesn't know.
Even though we have only been "together" for 6 years.
We have experienced
a lot of life in those 6 years, though.
From break ups, to birthdays, to fights, to half marathons... we've been there.
She is the friend you call when your dog passes away.
She is the friend you call when you want to tell her THE news.
She is the friend you call when you cannot stand the new rap song that just came out and you don't understand what they are even saying.
[excuse my over-enthusiastic facial expression]
4. She is strong.
I am not sure how she went through what she went through last year.
And with a smile on her face, and a determination that surpasses all.
She is strong.
She perserveres.
And she is determined not to let life push her around.
For that, I am thankful to know her.
5. She is my person.
Yes, I married my best friend. But, I believe that there is always one person that will be your person.
The Christina to your Meredith, the Meredith to your Christina.
You know, the one who would drop life to be there, and vice versa.
Sometimes, it may not always be roses and butterflies...
And we may say and do things that drive each other bananas...
But, at the end of the day... they are there.
It's been so fun to watch her grow in to this person that she is today.
She deserves all the good things in life.
So here is to my pink-loving, norts-wearing, loud, fun-spirited, say-it-like-it-is, accessorizing, instagramming,
Steelers-fanatic, monogramming-queen.
Honored to call you best friend.
Wishing you the best birthday.
Here is to 24 being a new year.
Love you to the moon and back.
And Go Vols.