Friday, May 9, 2014

Five on Friday

Friday is my favorite day of the week.
I am ready to focus on getting our new house looking like we live there instead of boxes/suitcases busting at the seams!
I also cannot wait to celebrate my momma on Sunday. 
She rocks.

Here are the random shenanigans that I sometimes refer to as my life...

We are finalllllllllly getting our furniture.
Long story short, we had the absolute worst customer service experience not one but SIX times, and cancelled our order with them.
The company was going to send in 3 different shipments over a 3 week time period.
No thanks, we will pass.
We ordered from a different company on Thursday,
and it will get here Saturday! Woohoo.


One of my dear friends graduated with her Master's degree, specializing in Special Education.
That girl has a serious passion for what she does, and I love it.
We are celebrating her tomorrow, and I am so excited!!


Recently, I cut 4 inches of my hair off. And I want to cut 1-2 more. 
I am getting brave these days with my hair.


I am seriously counting down the days until May 20. Aka Destin. 
11 days. 
We. Can. Make. It.


I am a traveler at heart. If I could do one thing for the rest of my life, that would be it.
As much as I love-love-love being home,  I have to see new places.
I guess that is why I love change so much.
Anyways, after that random tidbit....
I found out that I am going to San Diego June 1-4th for work.
SUPER Pumped. I have never been to California before. 

Hope y'all have a great weekend!!

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