... We bought a house.
No, this is not an April Fool's Joke. I repeat, this is not a joke.
After months and months [and months and months and months] of searching,
last Wednesday we walked into our future home by a complete fluke.
Or so we thought. I am giving this one all to God's perfect timing.
We had looked at two houses that afternoon, neither of them met the criteria we were looking for.
If you have done a fair share of house hunting, you know what I mean.
Pictures are misleading.
There are certain compromises, but there are also things that you actually want/need.
Anyways, after the two duds, our realtor sent us on our way saying he would send us some more options and vice versa.
However, when we pulled out of this neighborhood, there is a new development right next to it.
Our realtor started flashing his lights. I was slightly startled, and then looked at Pat.
He was cuing for us to turn around and follow him.
So we did just that.
He said he just got a feeling about a house he remembered was for sale for a good price.
We pulled up, not knowing what to expect.
It was brand new.
Are you kidding me? We do not need a brand new house. We need a starter home.
Well. we walked in. And I immediately felt like this was our home.
They say when you find the house... you'll know.
We both knew.
Then I look over and see that there are no appliances. My heart sank.
With the price of that house, there was no way we could put decent appliances in.
Our realtor could see the look in my eyes.
He looked at me and said: They're included. You get a "free" stainless steel appliance package.
After much talking and weighing our options, we knew this was our house.
We put in an offer on Thursday, and Monday we got the call that they accepted.
We close in 27 days. And we could not be more excited.

To say we couldn't have done this without our friends and family is a complete understatement.
Those closest to us know how challenging this process has been. [As with anyone searching for their first home!!]
Their encouragement, support, listening ears, and love have made this possible.
There was nothing like being able to text my best friends and tell them the good news.
So, props to them. I can't wait to have them over in our home!!
Congratulations! So exciting! :)