Monday, September 16, 2013


I love the moments when God places a person, be it someone you are really close to or just someone you happen to read their blog, in your life to show you that you are not alone. That is probably one of my top 5 favorite phrases. You are not alone. Four words that have the power to comfort, heal, provide a sense of peace and joy. I read something about ten minutes ago from a blog that I just love. And, imagine the fact it is exactly what I needed to hear.

From Bloom:

Wow.  "For they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God."  I was convicted.  Lately, I've struggled with wanting the approval of others.  I want to be liked.  To be cherished.  To be invested in.  To be told I have good ideas.  To be given the thumbs up.  I like to be affirmed.  But, all that affirmation means absolutely nothing in light of the approval of God.  I am to live my life in obedience to Him.  My life should always be wrapped about His will for me and I should do all I do for His glory only.  Not for my glory.  Not for the approval of others.  Not for the applause of others. 

I had no intention of learning this early in the morning. But, whoa. Did she read my mind?! Talk about a reminder that you are never alone in your struggles, in your triumphs, in your pain, or in your joy.

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