Funny story: So, a few months ago I ran BamBam off a driveway of a house that we were looking at. It was just mom and I. We managed to get my car unstuck by her driving backwards, and I was literally lifting the car back onto the driveway. It was hilarious. And kind of scary because I thought I broke my car. Or my axel. I am no car expert. Like, I couldn't tell you the engine from the transmission, nor their responsibility in making a car function. So, the mere thought that I actually knew my axel could be broken was a miracle. We drove off, a little embarrassed and shook up. It rode fine. Until about three weeks after, it started making this horrendous noise when I would start it, apply the brake, or put it in reverse. I told my dad (because dads always "know a guy"). It wasn't until three days later he actually took me seriously that something awful was wrong with my sweet little roller-skate. We took it to the Nissan place, only because we "know a guy." I drove up, and they literally laughed at the noise it was making. I go inside, and meet our guy. I haven't seen him in a few years, so he inevitably said: I hear you are getting married!!! Sidebar- how awkward would it be if he were wrong? Anyways, the older man he was helping interjected himself into our conversation. You can already tell by the way I worded that statement that I was not happy about this moment. He (the random old guy) proceeded to throw statistics at me about college graduates and divorce rates, and how 54% of marriages end in divorce. Like, what was I supposed to do? I just stood there and smiled. When I got home, I literally cried for an hour. I was so upset. Why did this man have to throw so much negativity towards me when I was already distraught about my broken car! Dude, just say congrats.
Fast forward to this weekend: We had our first premarital counseling session last Friday. Let me tell you, I was so nervous. I didn't know what to expect. But, man, I am so glad we went! We had so much fun! However, it became very real that what that crazy man was rambling about is so true. And it is true for so many reasons. Our pastor gave us a book to read that I want to keep reading over and over. You don't really have to be engaged, or married... Even single girls could benefit from reading this as you prepare for "that season" of your life. It is called Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married.
We are obviously reading it on our own, but it has brought about so many conversations already. We are learning more about each other this weekend than we have our entire relationship, and we love it! We are learning what we each expect, how to better talk with each other, how to better love each other. It's awesome!
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