But that flag and stone ain't where I feel you anyway...
If you have ever lost someone special to you, you know what I mean when I say: some days are just sad. There is nothing particular about them. Something as small as rain or a favorite song can trigger that gut-wrenching feeling that they aren't here anymore. It is a feeling deep in your stomach that cannot be explained, only felt. It hurts. And its hard to shake. But this whole "here-today-gone-tomorrow" notion comes over you where you suddenly embrace everything in life and begin to appreciate it all over again. I guess that could be a reason we experience loss of someone close to us.
you'd probably punch my arm right now, if you saw this tear roll down my face
I remember the days we spent together,
were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much
were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much
I will never forget sitting there the night before he passed away, just talking and laughing with him. I can tell you every detail about that moment. And I will never forget getting that call at work the next day.