Thursday, November 1, 2012

November: A Month of Thanks

As November has arrived, I've decided to blog every day something I am thankful for. It's not only a challenge to appreciate something daily, but also to take time and really bask in the many blessings that I've been given.

Without further rambling, the first day will be an ode to my parents.

Not many parents would be likely  to pay for college for 5 years, or put up with my OCD nonsense... But my parents are just that. Absolutely supportive. I am so grateful for all they have done in order for me to have the life I have. It never ceases to amaze me that they built a successful company from the ground up, and continue with that company 16 years later. Every decision they have made was made with my best interest at heart.

They are crazy. Absolutely nuts. But they are mine. And I couldn't ask for two better people to raise me. There have been times where I thought one of us was going to have to go, but after much angst of teenage years... I've come to realize that they are right. They actually did know what they were doing. They set rules and boundaries for a reason. So, as I look back at my 9:00 curfew.. I can laugh and know why I want to go to bed so early now. Oh good one, guys. Good one.

So here's to you two, THANK YOU.. I love you more than words will ever describe.

Your spitting image and pain in your side.

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