Thursday, May 28, 2015

29 Weeks

How Far Along: 29 Weeks!

Displaying IMG_6061.JPG
[please excuse the ugly floor and awkward angle!]

Size of Baby: the size of an acorn squash (LOL).

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: Heartbeat was strong this last appointment, 140-144 bpm. I have now graduated to appointments every 2 weeks instead of four. 

Movement: this boy loves to move. Just when I think I can't be any more miserable, he kicks and I realize it is all worth it and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything!

Sleep:  I can't get enough sleep. I wake up every few hours during the night. I have a feeling I will be moving to the couch soon. I guess it's all a part of the third trimester, but exhaustion has officially set in.

Workouts: Elliptical at the gym since it's been raining like crazy this week 

Maternity Clothes: Same. Whatever I am most comfy in!

Symptoms: Back pain like none other, heartburn, just overall discomfort. But, I have 11 weeks to go, so I am staying positive!

Cravings/Aversions: nothing really

Missing Most: being comfortable, I know that sounds terrible.

Nursery: Last week I said I was ordering the matress..... so that is my goal this week!

Hubby: the real MVP.

Best part of the Week: I took 2 naps on Monday. They were short and sweet, but my body obviously needs it. I tend to not slow down.

Can't Wait For: the weekend! Drs appt Monday to check on baby boy!! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday Four

{Four nicknames}
Lums (shortened maiden name)
Sara Rie
Smalls (Pat's doing)
And I really can't think of another right now

{Four movies I’ve watched more than once}
I have seen many movies more than once so let's say more than 5 times!
Something Borrowed
A Walk To Remember
Remember the Titans
Mean Girls

{Four things in my purse}
Water bottle
business cards
tide to go pen

{Four favorite places to shop}
Pre-pregnancy: Loft
Local shops 

{Four places I’ve lived}
Memphis, TN {born}
Donelson, TN {2-6}
Gallatin, TN {6-current}
Bowling Green, KY {WKU college years}
{Four ultimate favorite foods}
Turkey Sandwich
Anything Chick fil A 
Mac n Cheese
{Four pet peeves}
Saying one thing and doing another
Heartburn {thanks baby}
When people "live tweet"... put your phone down and enjoy the moment people!
A messy house
{Four favorite drinks}
White Wine {sweet, not dry}
Sweet Tea {yes, it counts}

{Four places I’ve traveled}
Just 4?!
Europe {London/Scotland}
Carribbean {St Thomas/St Maarten/Grand Cayman/Jamaica/Bahamas/Antigua}
Florida {West Palm/Tampa//Miami/Orlando/PCB-ew/Destin}
West Coast {San Diego/Seattle}

{Four placed I’d like to travel}
St. Lucia 
New England Area

{For places I’d like to re-travel to}
North Carolina
Ocho Rios Jamaica
{Four favorite chain restaurants}
We don't usually eat at many chains...
Rose Pepper Cantina
Chickfila- duh.

{Four tv shows I'm currently watching}
Most shows ended this week.. So I'll start with my summer list
Bachelorette-- we shall see how this season goes.
SYTYCD- not a fan of this new format- but I am giving it a chance
Master Chef
Literally drawing a blank right now......
{Four things I’m looking forward to this year}
My baby shower
Summer, Summer, and Summer
Baby boy making his grand debut
Soaking up all the time with friends I can get!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

28 Weeks

How Far Along: 28 weeks.... Hellooooooo Third trimester!! I cannot believe my due date is literally around the corner! 

Size of Baby: the size of an eggplant... 2-2.5 pounds, 13.5-15 inches! What!? 

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: his lungs are getting stronger, I like to think he's preparing for long runs with momma! 

Movement: this boy loves to move. 

Sleep: sleep?? What is that? Just kidding. God is definitely preparing me in a glimpse of what life will be like. I stay up a little later, and I get up twice through the night. Usually at midnight and 3:30. I'm sleeping in 2-3 hour increments. Normally, I'd be dragging, but I'm surprisingly adjusting. 

Workouts: I've slacked this week.. But ready for a good walk with Lila today! 

Maternity Clothes: Same... mixin and matchin! 

Symptoms: Back pain, but he massage I had Saturday did wonders for me physically and emotionally. Heartburn around 3 everyday. Morgan said this is a sign of a head full of hair, haha! 

Cravings/Aversions: fruit! 

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: ordering the mattress this week, hopefully

Hubby: loves to look over and see him moving... He thinks it's so funny! 

Best part of the Week: seeing Pitch Perfect 2 with the girls... That movie is hilarious. Jayme got to feel baby boy moving which was super neat! 

Can't Wait For: everyone to get my shower invite this week! Jordyn did such a great job on them... They are precious!!!! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Five

This week has been such a slow one! Here are a few things I am loving/looking forward to! Also, please tell me you've seen the updates of the Bad Blood music video?! My close friends have all text me about it. My love for TSwift has always been known. And my love for Ellen and Mariska are well known as well. Soooooo you could say I'm 100% sure I already love this video.

Series Finale of Revenge [Semi-spoiler alert]
I am usually very apprehensive about finales. I still haven't watched the awful Grey's episode from 4 weeks ago. However, I was excited about this one. I hoped it would end in a way that brought the show full circle. And it did. Kudos, Revenge Writers, kudos.


Prenatal Massage
Holla. This week has been so brutal on my hips and lower back. Tears occured last night. So, after putting it off all week... I went to our chiropractor who works wonders. He adjusted my hips for me and recommended I get a massage. Oh, and to not sit for more than an hour total all day. LOL. Yes, this was my birthday present that I still haven't redeemed. I have an appointment three weeks away. Insert saddest emoji you can find. So, I may be trying to find someone that can get me in sooner. This soon to be mama needs some relief. 

Pitch Perfect
Girls night [plus Pat probably] this weekend. I cannot wait. Not only am I looking forward to the movie and laughing hysterically, but I am excited to spend time with the girls! 

Yesterday I took off half a day of work to be home for the dresser delivery. Estimated arrival time: 11-3. Lol. It didn't arrive until 5:45. Needless to say, the nursery is almost complete! We just need to pick out a matress. Which is hard work y'all-- any recommendations?! Pictures to come after my shower!
I love this quote. 

Positive Changes Your Life | You are here: Home › Quotes › Every positive change in your life ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

27 Weeks

How Far Along: 27 Weeks, I skipped 26 weeks because we were on Vacation. Basically-- baby boy LOVES the beach, as do I . Lots of movement, and lots of relaxation.

Size of Baby: A cauliflower 14 in, and about 2 pounds! Grow Baby, grow!

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: baby is practicing breathing!

Movement: I feel him more and more every day. I am thinking I will have a 3 am baby on our hands!

Sleep: Sleep is treasured. Quite possibly my favorite part of the day is getting in bed. Ha!

Workouts: While in Florida I rocked the elliptical every day. Since being back, I am doing walks around the 'hood with Lila, and some weight exercise.

Maternity Clothes: Same... mixin and matchin! Lol. I am getting to the point where my tops no longer fit my growing belly.

Symptoms: The back pain is real, but I am pushing through it!

Cravings/Aversions: Same

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: The crib is up, our glider is in!! It came in while we were gone and it looks perfect in the room!

Hubby: is getting really excited!! He loved watching him move and groove while on the beach!

Best part of the Week: Last night Jo sent me a preview of my baby shower invitation, and I cried. I may be bias, but it's the cutest thing ever.

Can't Wait For: The weekend! Lol And next week... Officially THIRD  trimester!!! Some apps say 27 weeks, some say 28... You  think those would be kind of concrete rules, but oh well!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

A Letter To Mom


Over the past 25 years, we've been a lot of things to each other. We have travelled together, cooked together, shopped til we dropped together. It was you that I heard running through the ER yelling my name while I was semi-conscious. It was you that stayed by side in The hospital for 4 days after having major vascular surgery. It was you who always changed my band aids. It was you who consoled my first broken heart. It was you that told me that "dumb ole boy would regret it" one day. You told me to be wary of those friends, and I didn't listen. You told me to be home by 9, I came home at 11. You were waiting on the couch, in the dark. Terrifying touch, I might add. You loved me through middle school/high school. How you did it, I'm still clueless. You helped move me into my first dorm, out of my dorm, back into a dorm, and so on for 5 years. You didn't judge me when I changed my major just shy of two semesters graduating. You welcomed Pat into the family with open arms. You celebrated ever high and held me in every low. 

I have your eyes, your laugh, your sass. I have your emotional side and your love for all things 80s. I have your love for animals and love for cooking. You are my pillar. You are my guiding light. When nothing in this world makes sense, I know one thing remains: God has given me a mother whose love knows no bounds for me. For that, I'm forever grateful. I hope and pray that I am half the mom to baby Boy that you were and are to me. Life has changed a lot in the past two years. We have been through it, that's for sure. And from the looks of the news we got this week, we are just getting started. But not once did I ever doubt your strength and perseverance. I love you, Momma. More than words on a blog could ever portray. 


Friday, May 1, 2015

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 Weeks-- 14 weeks to go. What?!

Size of Baby: A Rutabaga.... Lol. 13-14 in, and about 1.5 pounds! No wonder I'm feeling a little larger than normal, ha! 

Gender: Sweet baby BOY!

Fun fact: glucose test was this morning. Fingers crossed! It wasn't near as bad as people make it out to be. There are far more unpleasant things that come along with pregnancy than that drink! Lol 

Movement: love feeling him kick and jab! Pat really got to feel him last night since the movements are so much stronger. Grow baby, grow!

Sleep: Sleep is going well, I bought a pregnancy pillow. 

Workouts: Same, getting the miles in with walks and toning exercises. I'm looking forward to staying at the condo this following week... The gym is just downstairs instead of 15 minutes away. 

Maternity Clothes: Same- living in maxis right now. I did go searching for bathing suits, I ended up just getting a bigger size at Target instead of maternity. I hate it clinging to my skin! 

Symptoms: a little heartburn and back pain, but all is well! 

Cravings/Aversions: Same

Missing Most: Nothing really!

Nursery: Pat put the crib together on my birthday last weekend. Eeeeekkk!

Hubby: currently driving us to Destin as I type, so we can't complain :)

Best part of the Week: We are almost halfway to Destin! Woohoo!!

Can't Wait For: Being in Destin!!!!!!! Nine days yall.