Or better known as Valentine's Day. Yes, it is creeping around the corner. Just kidding. I saw this on Wikipedia (yes, not the best source, but I liked it) According to legend, in order "to remind these men of their vows and
God’s love, Saint Valentine is said to have cut hearts from parchment",
giving them to these soldiers and persecuted Christians, a possible origin of the widespread use of hearts on St. Valentine's Day.
So I am married. Yet Valentines Day is my least favorite "holiday." Maybe it is all the pink, or maybe it's the roses. I don't know. I do not hate it, but, what I do know is this: There is sure to be 4,000 "omg its single awareness day, eating with my two main men Ben & Jerry, couples make me vomit" status updates. On the flip side, there are going to be equally as many "Oh my gosh y'all, I have the most perfect bf/fiance/husband EVERRRRZ, he got me this, this, this, and EVEN this!!!!!! *insert kissy emoji*"
Stop broadcasting your "status." I say this with absolute love and sincerity. It isn't about the chocolate or the roses. It isn't about the enormous $75 teddy bear. It isn't about the gifts upon gifts you may or may not receive. Stop giving into the status quo that a DAY defines your life. This day doesn't make me any more married than I already am. Nor, does this day make you any more single than you are.
I have never really celebrated this day. However, I am not denying that we will not celebrate it. We will probably go out to dinner thanks to all the amazing giftcards we received from the wedding. Yes, I will probably Instagram a pic of us to contrast the 3928 wedding pictures we have. And we never do anything, so what a great opportunity. We are taking time to spend together and appreciate each other.
Here's my point. It's not to knock this day- don't get me wrong, we all want a day to feel loved and showered with fun presents, and to know that we are special to someone. It's not to harp on any one or any thing. I guess I wrote it as a reminder to me, to take a step back more than anything. So, instead of negativity and bragging, let's just enjoy the moment that we are in. In a society so caught up in documenting everything, why don't we use that for the good. Let's appreciate each other. Let's share how special the people in our lives are. Celebrate each other in a different ways. Celebrate your significant other. Celebrate your friends. Celebrate your family. Celebrate your dog(s). Celebrate your co-workers. Celebrate your life, your crazy, somewhat put together, life. Use this day as thanksgiving. Use it as another beautiful reminder that you, my friend, are loved and cherished, regardless of your status.
This Valentines Day, whether you are at home alone or getting engaged, remember all the people you love and why they make your life so special.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
The Glam Series: All Things Face
Linking up with Jordon, again. She had this awesome idea of a glam series. Which I am all about. I love skincare, and I love hearing what works/doesn't work for others too! This week is all about face. Again, a lot of what I use is Estee Lauder but I do use other products as well!
Double Wear by Estee Lauder. Ahhhmazing. I have been using this for about three years. I switch colors twice a year, aka winter and summer. If you don't do this-- I highly recommend it. Most all cosmetics counters will give you a free foundation sample if you go get matched (EL, Clinique, Lancome, etc). It's a great way to make sure you really like it before you buy it! Now, I went to get a picture online and got caught up reading the reviews. I have not purchased a new bottle since they apparently changed the formula. Has anyone experienced this? It makes me slightly nervous!
Tip: Always apply makeup with a brush. The oil from your fingers not only transfers to your face, but alters the makeup!
I am currently in the market for a BB Cream. I am not a huge fan of ELs, they only have two shades!
Yay or nay? I have a primer that I like. I rarely use it, but I switch from the EL Matte Primer (for oilier skin) and Illuminating Primer (for not so oily skin). Key is oil control and a "noncakey" look. Easier said than done, right?
Aka the bronzer, higlighter, and blush trifecta. It is a skill. Some days I walk out of the house with a little victory dance, and other days I feel like a hot mess. I think the most important thing to remember when contouring is "less is more." I love Nars Orgasm. Sorry, they named it, not me! It really does look great on everyone! When I went to Sephora.com, they had this set with a highlighter/blush/bronzer combo!
Join up next week for all about eyes! I can't wait to see everyone's favorites.
What are your favorite face products?! Do you have any face "secrets"?!
Double Wear by Estee Lauder. Ahhhmazing. I have been using this for about three years. I switch colors twice a year, aka winter and summer. If you don't do this-- I highly recommend it. Most all cosmetics counters will give you a free foundation sample if you go get matched (EL, Clinique, Lancome, etc). It's a great way to make sure you really like it before you buy it! Now, I went to get a picture online and got caught up reading the reviews. I have not purchased a new bottle since they apparently changed the formula. Has anyone experienced this? It makes me slightly nervous!
Tip: Always apply makeup with a brush. The oil from your fingers not only transfers to your face, but alters the makeup!
I am currently in the market for a BB Cream. I am not a huge fan of ELs, they only have two shades!
Yay or nay? I have a primer that I like. I rarely use it, but I switch from the EL Matte Primer (for oilier skin) and Illuminating Primer (for not so oily skin). Key is oil control and a "noncakey" look. Easier said than done, right?
Aka the bronzer, higlighter, and blush trifecta. It is a skill. Some days I walk out of the house with a little victory dance, and other days I feel like a hot mess. I think the most important thing to remember when contouring is "less is more." I love Nars Orgasm. Sorry, they named it, not me! It really does look great on everyone! When I went to Sephora.com, they had this set with a highlighter/blush/bronzer combo!
Join up next week for all about eyes! I can't wait to see everyone's favorites.
What are your favorite face products?! Do you have any face "secrets"?!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Wedding Wednesday: Getting Ready
Bringing back Wedding Wednesday. I was really against blogging about it, and I don't have a real reason. So, yep, here I am. I have finally decided to blog our wedding. I also decided to link up with Jordon, another blogger. So, without further ado, here is the first part of the wedding day: Getting Ready.
Now, I am not sure what you all do when you are getting ready for your wedding, but we laughed. A lot. I will forever cherish that morning, and the memories and stories that we will go to our grave with.
Now, I am not sure what you all do when you are getting ready for your wedding, but we laughed. A lot. I will forever cherish that morning, and the memories and stories that we will go to our grave with.

Cue the tears while reading the sweetest letter ever written.

I got the robes from ShopMomento. They were awesome. Originally, I was supposed to have a fancy curly font, and they sent the wrong ones. No need to panic, because their customer service took care of it within an hour!
Mom zipping up my dress. A lot harder than it looks!

I decided at the spur of the moment to be super cheesy and do a first look with the girls too.... it was such a fun memory!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Product Review: Planners
I am starting a new blog series of product reviews. Disclaimer: The views are strictly my own, and I am doing this to solely review a product's pros and cons that might benefit you all! I want to know what works and what doesn't, and better yet... why! So shout out to my first product review: Emily Ley's Simplified Planner. I am a planner snob. I don't want to spend a lot of money on it, but I need to to be functional for my life/work. I happened to get this at 20% off, thank you Black Friday. So it was worth the investment. I have used everything from Target to Lilly, and this one is by far the best.
Here are just a few of my favorite Pros:
- Gold Foil. Minor detail, but I am so into gold these days.
- Pocket sleeve inside the front cover. Perfect for receipts or important things to do.
- Daily Pages. This is so important to me. I love having an hourly guide, a to do list, notes, and even a dinner section. Come on, how useful!
- Quotes. Again, a minor detail, but I think it sets this planner apart. Each day has a quote on it. Today's says: What you do every day matters more than what you do once in awhile.
- Sunday Checklist
- Durable. I need a durable planner.
Cons: None yet.
While I realize this price may be steep for a "planner", it is a lot more than that. I really love all that it has to offer. I have only been using it for 3 weeks, and so far so good. I hope it meets expectations until December when it is time to order a new one :)
If you haven't taken a peek at Emily Ley's shop, I highly recommend it. She has some really unique items. And I love her freebie section!! Look for her app coming this summer!
What are your favorite planners? Do you have this one?
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The Glam Series: My Skincare Routine
I am all about this link up series. I have been very fortunate in my life to be blessed with "good" skin- other than some rosy cheeks. However.. that doesn't mean I was taking care of like I should! When I was in college, I worked for Estee Lauder at Dillard's. Let me just tell you, I absolutely love skincare products now. Even though it can be pricey, and I am all about saving money... some things you just need to spend the extra money on! Great time to get products like that are during promotions, so you get some extra goodies with your purchase!
So here are a few items that are staples in my routine:
I love mine. The first two weeks you will experience what I call the "dark days." Your skin will be going through some serious changes, and after that you will love the way it looks and feels.
I use all sorts of cleansers. I literally have a basket full of the travel size ones. I stick to Estee Lauder or Lancome mostly. If you tend to have dry skin- be careful of foaming cleansers with your clarisonic. It can increase drying. Also- I always make sure they are soap free. If you have dry skin, like I do, in the winter, I would recommend a creme cleanser, it is much more gentle.
I use moisturizer every morning. I am spoiled. Because I worked there, I won free product all the time. One of my favorite moisturizers is ReNutriv Comfort Creme. It is perfect for skin that tends to dry in the winter. In the summer, this is my go to moisturizer . It is light and has SPF 15. They also have an oil-free version, which is perfect for people who tend to have excess oil!
Less expensive alternative that I love: Ponds moisturizer or Olay.
Less expensive alternative that I love: Ponds moisturizer or Olay.
Of all my products, this is my favorite. Though it is pricey, it is well worth it. The 1.7 oz bottle should last you 4-6 months. You only need like 3 baby drops. It isn't an oil, so it won't cause breakouts. It actually helps fight all signs of aging and damage to your skin- including acne. I love love love this product!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Weekend Recap
This weekend was so great, exhausting, but great! Saturday was girls' night. Andrea, Kylah, and myself went to Rose Pepper in East Nashville. I had never been, but it was so yummy! It was so good to catch up with them and laugh until our bellies hurt. After a couple hours at Rose Pepper, we headed back to Kylah's... where we proceeded to watch my wedding video... and laugh at how Kylah was pretty much the star of it.
Sunday was topped off with watching an ugly victory of the Seahawks with the hubs!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
I think as women, it's our nature to become overwhelmed and anxious when
life pushes you. Whether it be a negative or positive reason for being
overwhelmed or anxious, sometimes you just need to let it out.
Yesterday was that day. Work is so busy right now. I've never been this busy. My type-A personality is really taking a reality check right now. I'm the type that wants a plan. I want to know how, when, where, what is going to be done. It drives my husband crazy- he's never said that, but I know that's what he thinks. But, that's me. So when I have all the crazy great opportunities coming up and managing my what feels like and overnight growing customer base, I felt really overwhelmed and anxious.
Pause: one of my goals for 2014 is to not tweet personal things. For example, how I feel, if I'm pissed, etc. I recently read an article that opened my eyes as to how it's controlling you by seeking attention and approval for your every thought and action. Whoa. Side note- I was listening to one of my favorite speakers, and he said "always present yourselves in a social setting as you want to be seen. If you socially present yourself as a shambly, broke postgrad then that's what people will think. If you socially present yourself as a hardworking, self improving adult, then that is what people will see. One of my favorite quotes is: you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" Bam. Emphasizes my social media kick.
Well, I already had a bonehead moment and tweeted about being overwhelmed and wanting to cry. I didn't do it for all my closest friends to call or text me, or for everyone to know I'm "so busy" that I want to cry. But, I did. I may not have intended that, but that is why people (including myself) tweet things like that. To seek attention and approval. Drats.
Cue the silver lining: my friend, Jo. Yes, I've blogged about her before. I'm not exaggerating when I say, she has been such a blessing I my life and she is my most genuine friend. Which to me, that's the best quality a friend could have.
In the midst of her problems, busy schedules, and juggling all of life in general... She paused. She took time to first and foremost pray for me via text message. If that doesn't give you a sense of peace, I'm not sure what will. And if that wasn't enough (which it absolutely was enough), she proceeded to ask me what's going on. I love that she chose to ask that after she prayed. We don't need details to pray, we just need to pray. So I spilled everything. Details that only Patrick and my parents know. None of it is negative, but I've become very cautious of what I tell people- regardless the subject. She prayed for me, and she listened to me. What a sweet reminder of what a genuine person and a genuine friendship is- and how I should be as well. So, today, I am praying that sweet prayer that she prayed over me and thanking God for such a wonderful friendship.
Yesterday was that day. Work is so busy right now. I've never been this busy. My type-A personality is really taking a reality check right now. I'm the type that wants a plan. I want to know how, when, where, what is going to be done. It drives my husband crazy- he's never said that, but I know that's what he thinks. But, that's me. So when I have all the crazy great opportunities coming up and managing my what feels like and overnight growing customer base, I felt really overwhelmed and anxious.
Pause: one of my goals for 2014 is to not tweet personal things. For example, how I feel, if I'm pissed, etc. I recently read an article that opened my eyes as to how it's controlling you by seeking attention and approval for your every thought and action. Whoa. Side note- I was listening to one of my favorite speakers, and he said "always present yourselves in a social setting as you want to be seen. If you socially present yourself as a shambly, broke postgrad then that's what people will think. If you socially present yourself as a hardworking, self improving adult, then that is what people will see. One of my favorite quotes is: you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" Bam. Emphasizes my social media kick.
Well, I already had a bonehead moment and tweeted about being overwhelmed and wanting to cry. I didn't do it for all my closest friends to call or text me, or for everyone to know I'm "so busy" that I want to cry. But, I did. I may not have intended that, but that is why people (including myself) tweet things like that. To seek attention and approval. Drats.
Cue the silver lining: my friend, Jo. Yes, I've blogged about her before. I'm not exaggerating when I say, she has been such a blessing I my life and she is my most genuine friend. Which to me, that's the best quality a friend could have.
In the midst of her problems, busy schedules, and juggling all of life in general... She paused. She took time to first and foremost pray for me via text message. If that doesn't give you a sense of peace, I'm not sure what will. And if that wasn't enough (which it absolutely was enough), she proceeded to ask me what's going on. I love that she chose to ask that after she prayed. We don't need details to pray, we just need to pray. So I spilled everything. Details that only Patrick and my parents know. None of it is negative, but I've become very cautious of what I tell people- regardless the subject. She prayed for me, and she listened to me. What a sweet reminder of what a genuine person and a genuine friendship is- and how I should be as well. So, today, I am praying that sweet prayer that she prayed over me and thanking God for such a wonderful friendship.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Date Night!
I am one of those "please don't make me do anything after work during the week" type girls- especially when it involves driving back downtown. So Sunday we decided to have a date night on Friday night. Then my hot shot husband won a sales contest, and we got free tickets on the ice to the Predators game for Tuesday night. We know very little about hockey. But, it was an absolute blast! We are pretty sure we cheered when we were supposed to, and we even got to yell "you suck" to the other team (Calgary Flames- shout out to our Canadian Honeymooning friends!!!). All in all, date night was a huge success-- even better that we didn't have to pay for anything!!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Weekend *Life* Recap
Since I have been swamped at work (I really don't even have time to be doing this, so shh.), I am going to do a weekend/life recap. I usually don't talk about work in blogland, simply because no one wants to hear about work and I don't really want to talk about it unless I am there! BUT, I have a lot of huge opportunities coming up, some this week-some this quarter, and I am thrilled. None are guaranteed, but they open a lot of doors for me, which is exciting.
SO here is a quick recap:
[-] Lila is recovering from surgery like a true champ.
[-] Patrick has officially been a local for a week now. Aka, his transfer went into effect last Sunday. Hooray! No seriously, hooray!!!!
[-] We are on the search for a house... still. Rome was obviously NOT built in a day. But this also coincides with our upcoming opportunities.
[-] We decided not to run the Country Music Marathon this April. It was a heart breaking decision, but it is way too expensive for the both of us to run in. We are going to pick another that doesn't cost over $100 just to run! My running friend/partner, Jordyn, decided not to for certain reasons, so that made it all the more clear what our decision should be! We are all still training, so at any time we will be able to just go do one! Yes, WE are training together... this should be fun.
[-] We are going to Destin in May, too!
[-] This weekend is PACKED and I am sooo excited. Date night Friday- long overdue. Girls day/night Saturday with two of my sweet friends/bridesmaids... again- long overdue. Sunday- Seahawks game.
[-] I think that is all for now. I guess I need to get back to work!
SO here is a quick recap:
[-] Lila is recovering from surgery like a true champ.
[-] Patrick has officially been a local for a week now. Aka, his transfer went into effect last Sunday. Hooray! No seriously, hooray!!!!
[-] We are on the search for a house... still. Rome was obviously NOT built in a day. But this also coincides with our upcoming opportunities.
[-] We decided not to run the Country Music Marathon this April. It was a heart breaking decision, but it is way too expensive for the both of us to run in. We are going to pick another that doesn't cost over $100 just to run! My running friend/partner, Jordyn, decided not to for certain reasons, so that made it all the more clear what our decision should be! We are all still training, so at any time we will be able to just go do one! Yes, WE are training together... this should be fun.
[-] We are going to Destin in May, too!
[-] This weekend is PACKED and I am sooo excited. Date night Friday- long overdue. Girls day/night Saturday with two of my sweet friends/bridesmaids... again- long overdue. Sunday- Seahawks game.
[-] I think that is all for now. I guess I need to get back to work!
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