A friend recently told me a story about a rocket ship...
A rocket ship is propelled into the sky, with every intention to succeed. It starts off with all the parts it thinks it needs to get there. It begins with all the things it deems essential in order to go about its travel in a safe and happy manner. However, the designer of the rocket ship knows that the rocket must shed some parts in order to make its destination safely. Some are large parts, some are small. They are parts that just fall off along the way. When the rocket gets to its destination, there is no need look back on all the parts it has lost, because the rocket is where it is because the designer knew exactly what must go and what must stay.
Now, if you made the connection that I did, then you already get it. I didn't know at the time he told me this story that it would really make sense until yesterday. We are each like a rocket, being propelled into life by our Designer. However, as we go through life, parts of us are taken away. Some are more meaningful than others, some are best friends that pass away, some are "friends" that are emotionally draining us, and some we might not even realize are gone. However, when you are on your way to being a better you... "keep going and don't look back"